2 Timothy 3:16 In the last days there will come times of difficulty The Ante-Christ based on Pope Francis has come: Fornication follower racist crude
America 2024 in songs / América 2024 en canciones / Amerika 2024 in Liedern / America 2024 nelle canzoni / Америка 2024 в песнях / L'amérique 2024 en chansons /
Joe Dassin "L'Amérique" (live officiel) America
I Want You - Cover Version by "The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan" - Live in concert
Nathalie Cardone - Hasta siempre - (As Always)?
Jean Ferrat , Camarade (vidéo) - Comrade
LE DOUANIER - " J'aime pas les étrangers ! " - Sketch de Fernand Reynaud
THE CUSTOMS OFFICER - “I don’t like foreigners!”
Léo Ferré "Les étrangers" (The Foreigners)
Il n'y a pas d'étranger - Jean Fran?ois BATTEZ –with French lyrics?: There ‘ss no foreigner
Les charlots - Merci patron – Thanx Boss
Carl Teike Alte Kameraden / Old Comrades
Alte Kameraden - die Bundeswehr der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (Deutsches Soldatenlied) (with German lyrics)
Concert Band Version Score and parts
Version pour orchestre d’harmonie score et parties
autre version pour harmonie/ Other version for concert band
Version pour piano
ancienne version pour harmonie/old version for concert band
Ein Freund, ein guter Freund - (A friend, a good friend)
Michel Delpech : Pour Un Flirt (For a flirt)
Le dernier geste obscène de Donald Trump en meeting dans le Wisconsin
Donald Trump's last obscene gesture at a meeting in Wisconsin
Patrick Se?bastien son nouveau titre Une petite pipe crée la sensation
(a little blowjob before going to sleep)
Complete version with lyrics)
Patrick Sébastien - Une p'tite pipe Paroles / Lyrics
Patrick Sébastien – English Biography
Translation of “Un’ p’tit’ pip’ (A little blowjob) – Patrick Sébastien
A little blowjob, hurray
A little blowjob, hurray
And one and two and one, two, three
Commissioner Maigret
Couldn't do without it
And Captain Haddock
Always had one in stock
Simenon and Brassens
Had several (pipes)
And Watson said to Sherlock
It's very good for the heart
A little blowjob before going to sleep
A little blowjob before going to bed
A little peace pipe
Just to fall asleep in peace
A little blowjob before going to sleep
A little blowjob before going to bed
?Pinch at the edge of the lips
Or stuck in the teeth
It brings down the fever
Better than a tranquilizer
A whiff here
A whiff there
Before going to bed
It doesn't get better than this
?A little blowjob before going to sleep
A little blowjob before going to bed
A little peace pipe
Just to fall asleep in peace
A little blowjob before going to sleep
A little blowjob before going to bed
?Refrain / chorus
A little blowjob, hurray
A little blowjob, hurray
A little blowjob, hurray
A little blowjob, hurray
?Z Z Z
?A large bowl of herbal tea
No, no, no
Jasmine and valerian
No, no, no
AVanilla ice cream
No, no, no
A cup of chamomile
No, no, no
Well then what?
?Refrain / Chorus
A little blowjob before going to sleep
A little blowjob before going to bed
A little blowjob before going to sleep
A little blowjob before going to bed
?Z Z Z
?And in honor of Dominique
Who is the champion of the stove
Let's sing the patriotic anthem together
Of Smoke lovers
Through the little end of the pipe
?A little blowjob before going to sleep
A little blowjob before going to bed
A little blowjob before going to sleep
A little blowjob before going to bed
?Refrain / Chorus
A little blowjob, hurray
A little blowjob, hurray
A little blowjob, hurray
A little blowjob, hurray
A little blowjob, hurray
Before going to sleep
President Trump, First Lady Melania's First Dance
West Side Story - America
?Tesla is now an official Chinese government car
Electric ?Tesla Cars
Baldwin American Pianos
Uprights made till 2021 by Zhongshan, China
Grand pianos made by Parsons Music Group, Hong Kong
Saxophones Jean-Paul
?And in 2012, Jean Paul was born. We began manufacturing a student-level saxophone, trumpet, clarinet, and flute?in China,?selling on direct online sales channels?(Costco and Amazon) to avoid the high markup costs associated with selling at brick-and-mortar stores, and keep our prices low
Хай живе в?льна Укра?на! ? Long live free Ukraine!
One way ticket - Neil Sedaka - LIVE
Donald Trump Singing Shape of You by Ed Sheeran
Donald Trump Singing Despacito
Pierre Vassiliu "Qui c'est celui-là ?"
“Who is this one?” / “?Quién es éste?” / ?Wer ist dieser?“ / ?Кто этот?? ?/ "Chi è questo?"
2 Timothy 3
?In the last days there will come times of difficulty. The Ante-Christ Portrait ?based on Pope Francis has come: Fornication follower, racist crude, unscrupulous, evading taxes, guilty of 34 counts
Orthodox Ukrainians chanting the Creed
2o Carta a Timoteo, 3
?En los últimos días vendrán tiempos de dificultad.
El Antecristo según el Papa Francisco ha llegado: seguidor de la fornicación, racista, burdo, evasor de impuestos, sin escrúpulos, culpable de 34 cargos.
Credo - Espa?a (Luis Enrique Ascoy en Vivo) Música Católica
Der zweite Brief an Timotheus, Kapitel 3
In den letzten Tagen werden schwierige Zeiten kommen.
Der Vorchrist nach Papst Franziskus ist gekommen: Anh?nger der Unzucht, Rassist, grober, skrupelloser Steuerhinterzieher, schuldig in 34 Anklagepunkten.
Das niz?nische Glaubensbekenntnis - Credo III deutsch
(the creed sung in German according to the Gregorian Mass of the Angels)
?Venient in novissimis diebus difficultatis tempora.
Antichristus secundum Franciscum Papam advenit: sectator fornicationis, racist, rudis, pravus, publicanus evader, reus 34 criminibus.
CREDO Holy Mass on the Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord, with the Rite of Episcopal Ordination Vatican Basilica, 6 January 2013
Military Band of the Chinese People's Liberation Army Orchester der Chinesischen Volksbefreiungsarmee Old Comrades is one of the most popular and played German (prussian) military marches. It is also internationally popular.
Condom Song – Arabian / English
FRENCH CONDOMS (CAPOTES ANGLAISES) Les Capotes ( Chanson Paillarde )? With French Lyrics
Miss Kamala Harris Website only in American English
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Spanish Version ?https://www.whitehouse.gov/es/
Detect my idiom automatically (French) But No email !
Donate by email but NO Kamala email ! https://kamalaharris.com/donate-by-mail/
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?Spanish Website
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Daniel Guichard - Faut pas pleurer comme ?a (Live 2005) Don't cry like that
Max Raabe & Palast Orchester - What A Difference A Day Makes
?Max Raabe, born 1962 in Lünen, has always sung - in the youth choir and on his bicycle. Max Raabe moved to Berlin in his early twenties to study opera. He financed his studies with small performances and in 1986 he founded the Palast Orchester with some fellow students.
In 1992 Max Raabe wrote his first hit “Kein Schwein ruft mich an” (Why Does No One Call) and appeared on stage in Heinrich Mann′s “Der blaue Engel” (Blue Angel) under the direction of Peter Zadek .
Parallel to the increasing success and international career with the Palast Orchester, Max Raabe gives concerts with pianist Christoph Israel. Their duo-CD “über′s Meer” (Over The Sea) was released 2010 by Universal / Decca.
Max Raabe′s commitment to the remembrance of 20s/30s music has received various awards. In particular he was presented with the ECHO Classic in 2000 for his interpretation of “Mack the Knife”, the Paul-Lincke-Ring of the City of Goslar in 2005, the cultural prize of his hometown Lünen in 2007, and in 2012 the Order of Merit of the State of Berlin.
Ian Wekwerth (piano) plays on a C . Berstein Piano (made in Czechia)
?Ian plays on https://www.bechstein-concert.com/
?In 2007, the new C. Bechstein Europe factory opened in?Hradec Králové, Czech Republic
Donald Trump
?https://www.45office.com/ ?No email ! ??- https://www.trumpstore.com/
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Email: [email protected] ??- ?[email protected]
Residence Address:
1100 S. Ocean Blvd Palm Beach, FL 33480
Mailing Address:
1100 S. Ocean Blvd Palm Beach, FL 33480
Email: [email protected]
The Star-Spangled Banner (American National Hymn)? (Francis Scott Key John Stafford Smith Arr. Samuel Stokes)
?Adaptation for concert band by Williams (Score and parts)
?Version by the United States Marines Band – Matériel – All parts
National Anthem, "The Star-Spangled Banner" – “The President’s Own” U.S. Marine Band
?Version for Concert Band by Mike Story – Matériel – All parts
Arrangement for fanfare by Bill Moffit – Matériel – All parts
CMB: The Star Spangled Banner with Fanfare (F. Scott Key / arr. Bill Moffit)
?Version for Concert band Score and parts of Defense Edition of Anthem Hits
?Piano Version by Josef Hofmann
?Organ version by Daniel Lee Gibby
?For Choir SATB + piano Score