2 Steps to Creating Calm in the Chaos

2 Steps to Creating Calm in the Chaos

So, You've probably heard of the million ways you can pare down your busy season, so it's not overly stuffed: live by your values, align with your strengths, Automate, Delegate, Eliminate, create healthy Boundaries.

But what about finding that Happy Medium? That "Busy But Good"? And what about Peace that is constantly referred to? Where's Peace?

Soggy Noodles - a Story

I sat in the crowded kitchen. There we were, a dozen moms of little ones. All of us with dark circles under our eyes. Instead of music, the laughing and screaming of delighted toddlers in the next room was our soundtrack.

My pre-birth pants and shirt felt completely foreign to my new mom-of-two body. I tried to discreetly move it, wiggling my hips to feel better about the outfit that made me think of Chris Farley and his "large man in a little suit". I held a sleeping baby in one arm, and sipped toddler-sweet hot cocoa with the other.

And the Christmas cookie exchange begun. But, before we could fill plates with cookies, another kind of exchange happened. One where we had to almost shout to one other. One that made my stomach sink to the bottom of the sea.

"I'm so sorry I only had time to make ornaments instead of my usual gingerbread men"

"These didn't turn out like I'd hoped."

"I just made my regular cookies."

"These were take and bake."

"I bought these at the store while I left my kids in the car."

"I'm sorry mine are falling apart." I added.

Around the room, each of us apologized for some part of what we brought. The next round? Each of us complimenting one another on our cookies. Though, for my part, the compliments didn't really help. The snowballs looked more like snowflakes.

2 Steps to Create Peace

How can you bypass the inner guilt narrative and peaceably enjoy the errands and commitments in front of you? Here are two quick steps to use whenever busyness strikes.

1) Accept you are human and trying your best. And that's all you can do, really. Forgive what isn't possible for you. God/the Universe is not asking you to replace them.

2) Find the sweet spot between effort and ease.

me with the faaaaabulous Rachel Bass-Guennewig

That's one thing I learned from Rachel Bass Guennewig of Daily Bread Yoga, a friend, long-time mentor, wise-woman, ordained minister, and yoga instructor. While she recently retired from her current path, her curated wisdom is creating ripple effects for years to come.

TO DO: Create pockets of Presence, Rest, and Enjoyment.

Imagine each Day as it's own little marathon. Some parts are stuffed (running), some parts are just busy (walking), some parts fuel you (water breaks).


  • 3 deep breaths with your eyes closed
  • Nap during lunch break
  • Say no to guilt-laden asks
  • Take a 10 minute break after lunch or dinner to close your eyes, go for a walk, call a friend, cry.
  • Mirror: practice looking at, holding, and saying thank you to your beautiful face and hands that light so many lives.

What will this effort and ease practice do? It will help you remember your Worthiness. Because having a good day, every day, is something you are worthy of - not just all those you love and help.

ACTION STEP >>> What will you commit to for more Peace? Reply and let me know!

Dive Deeper

Phoenix Rising. Would you like to be stronger, with more authentic connections? I'm launching a women-only circle in January! $300 for 5 months - 2x a month meeting. Reply if you're interested and I'll send you deets.

The Long Road

The albatross sojourns tens of thousands of landless miles out to sea.

May you, dear human albatross, embrace the swelling waves, fractal winds, and sweet pockets of rest and nourishment on life's effervescent tides.

with blessings of Peace,

Heidi Esther

PS What is 1 step you will commit to this month for more Peace?

>> Phoenix Rising. Curious? Reply and let's chat. Let's do this, together!


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