2 Steps Of Advanced Directives That You Need
We all have an opinion about life support, ventilators, and life-changing surgeries. However, when the time comes, you may not be able to speak for yourself due to your current health. This is why it's essential for you to have your opinion on record and the following two steps are the best and most efficient ways to have this taken care of.
1. A Living will - A living will offers an individual the opportunity to express their wishes for the event of an emergency. This is where you would express your wishes to be on or off a ventilator and similar decisions.
2. A Healthcare power of attorney - You can appoint a trusted person to make the healthcare-related decisions for you. This would go beyond life-saving emergency decisions, but rather it covers many medical situations that you would want someone to have legal authority to speak for you.
These two documents go hand in hand and are both essential for peace of mind. Regardless of your wishes, these materials will help them become a reality if such a situation would ever arise. It's vital that when drafting these documents, you discuss this with a legal professional.
For more information, check out AARP: https://ow.ly/qiCX307vtfF
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