#2 The Runner Up in the Top 5 of 2018 - "Do. Or Do Not. There Is No Try"? - Yoda. Christmas week's "Coffee with Colm"?

#2 The Runner Up in the Top 5 of 2018 - "Do. Or Do Not. There Is No Try" - Yoda. Christmas week's "Coffee with Colm"

Merry Christmas!

Well? Did you? Or Did You Not in 2018?

This week's "Coffee with Colm", first published in June, came in at No. 2 for the year. A worthy runner-up methinks.

As usual grab a coffee and think with me for a few short minutes over the holiday period. May I wish you and yours a peaceful Christmas. See you on the other side.

Do. Or Do Not. There Is No Try - Yoda

(or what to do so we don't get disappointed when people don't turn up to our meetings)

This week's "Coffee with Colm"

I'm known to happily meet anyone for a coffee, anytime, anywhere because you never know where it might lead and if I am to live up to my strap-line, 'How can I help?' then I must make every attempt if someone asks for a meeting.

That said, there are only so many hours in the day and so to suggest that I will in fact turn up to every meeting or event I get invited to is simply unrealistic.

I'm also a Star Wars fan, being just 14 years old when the first movie burst onto our screens in 1977 and so when I was invited to a meeting recently that held no interest for me, given that I am crystal clear on my 2020 Vision for my life, I remembered the short green, wise Jedi character, Yoda and his immortal truth, "Do. Or do not. There is no try."

The scene (from memory) was when Luke Skywalker and Yoda had crash landed their Star Fighter (space ship) into a swamp and they were trying to retrieve it. Luke was using 'The Force" to mentally lift the ship from the mire but was obviously struggling with the monumental task. Yoda, all sage and wizened looked on in amusement and basically said, "Luke, what are y'at? Would y'ever lift the space ship out of the swamp?" Luke, frustrated, replies, "I'm trying Yoda, I'm trying!" to which Yoda, with a wise twinkle in his eye, replied, "Do. Or do not. There is no try."

So, when someone invites you to a meeting or a party or a get together and it's not for you, what's the answer? Tell the truth.

"Thank you, I accept your invitation and will turn up to your meeting on time, open-minded and engaged' (DO)

Response, 'Great.'


'No, thank you, I have other priorities that are more in keeping with where I am right now. I don't want to waste your time nor my own, so I'll respectfully decline your invitation and wish you well." (DO NOT)

Response, 'Great.'

Don't say, "I'll try." Because 'I'll try' is a cop out; it's a no, couched in gutless language designed to make you feel better about yourself and leaving the person who invited you with a false sense of hope. (THERE IS NO TRY)

I had this very situation during the week whereby a person I know sent me a message:

"Hi Colm Ive just had an amazing few days at a business seminar. I have started a new business. I'm holding a meeting in the XYZ on Monday. The top guy is flying in Could you be there to support me?

I responded:

Hi. Although it's a bank holiday, I'm working and I have a video meeting with some people at 5 so unfortunately I'm not around. Happy to have a coffee with you some other time to hear about it. Best wishes with it.

Inviter: No problem Colm. There is another one on Tuesday at 7pm. Would that suit you?

Me: It may do. Depends though on the idea. So as not to waste yours or my time, I need to say I'm not open to either crypto currency or network marketing ideas (having given a decade to NM) so can you tell me more before I commit?

Inviter: Not crypto currency. Is network marketing but not like any other business around. The chap coming to the meeting is the best one to explain it, I'm still learning. But that's ok Colm, i know you are really busy.

Me: Thanks for understanding. I genuinely wish you well. What I learned from my NM days is serving me well to this day so I applaud the industry for that. Best wishes but I'll decline if I may.

Inviter: Thanks Colm

Everyone knows where they stand. Do. Or Do Not. There Is No Try.

Same applies to everything:

Watch the short video (Highly Recommended - most watched embedded video of 2018), listen to the podcast (both <4 mins teaching) or read on below for more...

Want to lose weight? Do. Or Do Not. There Is No Try.

Want to get fit? Do. Or Do Not. There Is No Try.

Want to earn more money? Do. Or Do Not. There Is No Try.

Want to get a degree or complete your masters? Do. Or Do Not. There Is No Try.

Want to attract a mate? Do. Or Do Not. There Is No Try.

Want to save money? Do. Or Do Not. There Is No Try.

Want to build your dream lifestyle? Do. Or Do Not. There Is No Try.

Try to touch your head.

Did you touch your head? If you touched your head, you didn't do what I suggested. Let's do that again, shall we? Try to touch your head.

If you are trying to touch your head, you will never (can never) touch your head, ever, ever!

And remember, when someone says they'll try to make it to your meeting/party/get-together, save yourself the heartache, cross them off as a no and move on.

So next time you want something to change in your life, remember little green Yoda and say, "Do. Or Do Not. There Is No Try."

Ok, go on, touch your head - you know you want to...


Bye for now.


Thanks for thinking with me.

Yours truly.


“How can I help?”

Watch | Listen | Read


MORE. Did you enjoy that? Fancy a sip of some of my recent “Coffee with Colm” Blog posts:

  • #3 We’re into the Top 3… and at No. 3, from June, we have a funny, yet eye-opening, take on ageing. Giggles guaranteed in this week’s “Coffee with Colm” - What Level Are You At? - click here.
  • #4 The Christmas Top 5 “Coffee with Colm” posts from 2018 – And at No. 4 we have a post from January discussing the difference between vicTIM and vicTOR mentality. Enjoy. – Click here.
  • #5 Christmas Top 5 – At No. 5 we have my interview with nTrai, an exciting start-up that almost failed, then didn’t – click here.

HIRE ME TO SPEAK. Consider me speaking at your event, launch, awards, or as your after-dinner keynote. Find out more here.

WORK WITH ME OR THE COBM | SOUNDING BOARD TEAM. Need help with your business? Check out the areas I and The Sounding Board of trusted experts can assist with. Find out more here.

FREE AUDIO BOOK. If would like a complimentary copy of my book “Feeding Johnny – How to Build a Business Despite the Roadblocks” in audio, narrated by yours truly so you get all the nuances, feel free to grab one here.

DEEP DIVE. If you would like to go deeper in your own personal journey, you can review the first step in my “12 Steps to Create the Life You Really Want” for FREE. Check it out here.

LinkedIn. Perhaps the thing to do right now is simply to hook up professionally on LinkedIn – if that’s of interest, click here.


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