2 out of 3 'Degree Qualified' Mining Industry Professionals Can’t Achieve their Career Goals.  Are you one of them?

2 out of 3 'Degree Qualified' Mining Industry Professionals Can’t Achieve their Career Goals. Are you one of them?

Once upon a time, in a land far, far away.... having a degree (or a higher degree) was enough to land you your first job and a great career.

They were the good-old-days.

Those were the days my friend. (?? we thought they'd never end....... oooops, showing my age there!)

Those days are gone.

Times have changed. And if you want to have a successful career these days, you need to get up to speed with the current expectations.

Does a degree still matter? I wrote a post about this a while ago now and it's still relevant today. You can read it here.


Spoiler alert - degrees still matter (somewhat). But they aren't the 'be all and end all' they used to be.

What is?

Soft skills.

It doesn't matter anymore what you know.


And to be an effective 'doer' in a global industry, you need to be an effective communicator. In English.

There are very few jobs that don't require this anymore. And I don't know of ANY that will see English skills as a weakness.

In the past, you needed a degree to get ahead.

Today you need English to get ahead.

So if you are still wondering if you should get a master's/PhD in your technical field, but are not considering your English communication skills, then you run the risk of being one of the 2 out of 3 highly qualified professionals who don't reach their career goals.


