The 2 Most Dangerous Fitness Myths
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When I look back at my life and think about my health and fitness, it’s easy to see where I went wrong and why I did it. Being healthy and fit wasn’t ever a priority for me, but not because I wasn’t interested in it.?I totally was.
But when I look back over those years now, it’s obvious why I was so apathetic about my health. It wasn’t that I didn’t want it.?I totally did.
?It wasn’t that I didn’t think I needed it.?I totally knew I needed it.
Overshadowing all those positive feelings were clouds of negative thinking; about myself and my situations. A devil on my shoulder whispering in my ear. I knew at the time that it was happening. I knew what I was hearing, and I bought into it. Over time, and through a lot of?reading?and personal development, I overcame those negative ideas and fitness myths that kept me from living to my fullest fitness potential. But to overcome them, you must first recognize them
The 2 Myths To Watch For
1. “It’s Too Late For Me”
I was recently on the Couture Fitness Coaching?podcast?with my friend Allison Sizemore, personal trainer and co-founder of?
As a trainer, she asked me one of my favorite questions: what do I say to people interested in getting fit and healthy but might feel like it’s too late for them or they aren’t sure it’s worth it at their age. It’s one of my favorite questions because it’s one of the myths I have fought and still fight hard to overcome at many points in my life.
I felt that way at 20, 30, and 35, and if I’m honest, I still feel like that, even though at 45, I am at the fittest I’ve ever been. It’s a negative thought that just keeps coming.
But in reality, if I am still breathing, it’s not too late. A life lived healthier is a better-lived life. You don’t have to make your past your future. Look back at where you came from as motivation to get you to the places you can go in your future.
2. “Being Fit Is For Other People, Not Me”
All throughout high school, I weighed about 150 pounds at 6 foot 3. Once after a basketball game, I came out of the locker room sweaty, and someone said I looked like a wet alien from sci-fi movies. I should have been offended at what she said, but I wasn’t. I knew what I looked like, and I agreed. I should have been offended at myself for not living up to my fitness potential, but I wasn’t.
I had accepted the second most dangerous fitness myth about myself. I had accepted that I was supposed to be tall and skinny, like an overgrown E.T. Other people had muscles. Other people had strength. Others worked out. I never saw myself as one of them. If anything, I saw us as 2 very different groups of people. People like myself were born to be unhealthy and average, and people who were, well…not like me.
I lived until my late 20s living with this ridiculous mindset, which robbed me of many great years that I could have been living a healthier, fuller life. It turns out I was wrong all along. I can blame my negative self-image, rough childhood, and addiction to Taco Bell burritos (which never truly died), but I was wrong. It was for me all along. I just couldn’t see it.
It is a myth that living a healthier life is meant for others, not you.
While your fitness journey may not look the same as their fitness journey, you are still entitled, deserving, and capable of living a healthy and fit lifestyle.
To learn more, visit?Train Fitness.
Written by Rob, who is a Certified Personal Trainer and Certified Nutrition Coach through the National Academy of Sports Medicine and is the founder of Fizzness Shizzness.