2 Mistakes to Avoid This Year
Jobi a.k.a Coach Jobi
Very much passionate about sharing my knowledge and experience through writing
2 Mistakes" is the title, but don't worry because I used to make these mistakes myself. Mistakes are okay; if you make them today, it's fine, but if you repeat them tomorrow, it's no longer a mistake, it's a habit. You don't want mistakes to become habits. That's why I am going to share with you what these 2 mistakes are.
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The first mistake is quite interesting ??
Mistake #1 Praying
First I will explain you where this mistake came from so I have to tell you my background a little bit. You may know my background, I'm from a traditional Christian family. My parents especially my mother told me to go to church every Sunday, pray every day etc.
My mother was very crazy about religion ? so I was literally following this tradition for many years. If you go and ask my mother, what to do to lose weight? she will tell you to pray.
"mother- I'm experiencing weight loss plateau, what should I do?"
She may tell "God is very powerful so pray and you'll lose".
From the very young age, if I want something the first thing I do is pray ??.
Guess what I did when I wanted a 6 pack abs?
God please give me a 6 pack abs.
I prayed days and night.
Did I get any 6 pack abs or did i lose weight?
No! I didn't lose weight. Do you know why my prayer didn't work?
Because my mother used to tell me to pray for everything but where in Bible says to pray if you want something?
Mathew chapter 7 says "ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened to you.
For everyone who asks receives, the one who seeks find, and the one who knocks, the door will be opened".
My door was not opening because I was not knocking, I was just praying.
This is #1 mistake I was doing because If you want the door to be open, don't pray. Knock first, pray second.
I started losing weight when I started knocking but not any kind of knock.
This is the 2nd mistake many people do when it comes to weight loss, they go to the gym, do some exercise and hope their weight will go away but it's a mistake.
Mistake #2: Doing the Same Thing and Expecting Different Results
I see many of my friends doing this, they go gym to get rid off that b00bies, they go with b00bies and come back with same b00bies.
They are doing this for years. Even if they don't see any result, they are still doing the same exercise, same eating style.
This is the 2nd mistake I was doing as well. Doing the same thing and expecting a different result.
But when I changed my exercise and eating style to a new one, I started seeing weight loss. In fact I started seeing my abs in 30 days doing 10 minutes of exercise.
Do you think 10 minutes of exercise can help you lose weight, burn fat?
I bet yes!
My body is a proof it's possible to lose weight with 10 minutes of exercise if you do it the right way.
When I started doing the right way, weight loss become an easy task to achieve.
(The exercise and eating style I choose are based on my body type. In case you don't know your body type or are struggling with weight loss but want to lose weight this year, get a copy of my weight loss book ASAP. It's available on my website)
So a question I want to ask before closing this post, are you doing any of this 2 mistakes? Mistakes are ok if you're doing it today. Focus on not making the same mistake tomorrow.
Thanks for reading and subscribing
Coach Jobi