?? 2-Minute Flash Briefing
CSO (Central Statistics Office Ireland)
We collect and collate the facts & data that help guide more informed decisions about Ireland’s people society & economy
Welcome to our weekly CSO publication and release briefing.
10/03/2025 Monthly Services Index
10/03/2025 Output, Input and Income in Agriculture - Preliminary Estimate
10/03/2025 Industrial Production and Turnover
11/03/2025 Survey of Income and Living Conditions (SILC) Enforced Deprivation
11/03/2025 Supply and Use Tables for Ireland 2021 - Input-Output Tables
12/03/2025 Vehicles licensed for the first time
12/03/2025 COVID-19 - Our Lives Five Years On: Interrupted Education
12/03/2025 Planning Permissions Q4 2024
13/03/2025 Consumer Price Index
13/03/2025 Services Producer Price Index
14/03/2025 Monthly Estimates of Payroll Employees using Administrative Data
14/03/2025 Agricultural Price Indices
14/03/2025 Household Saving
*Please note that this schedule of releases is open to revision
All our releases are published at 11 am daily. For immediate access to our publications, follow us on ?? or visit www.cso.ie
Links To Last Week's Releases: 03 march - 07 March
The Live Register is compiled from returns made for each local office to the Central Statistics Office (CSO) by the Department of Social Protection (DSP).
This publication aims to provide insightful analysis in terms of employment and earnings among women in the labour market in Ireland.
?? View the infographic: https://www.cso.ie/en/releasesandpublications/ep/p-wlm/womeninthelabourmarket2023-2024/
The Central Statistics Office (CSO) carries out a monthly survey of milk processors and co-operatives in Ireland to gather data on monthly collection and use of cow’s milk by the dairy sector.
?? View the Quarterly National accounts infographic: https://www.cso.ie/en/releasesandpublications/ep/p-na/quarterlynationalaccountsquarter42024/
?? View the International Accounts infographic: https://www.cso.ie/en/releasesandpublications/ep/p-ia/internationalaccountsq42024/
?? View more details: https://www.dhirubhai.net/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7303745436698234880
This release provides a detailed series of monthly unemployment estimates. The release contains both monthly unemployment rates and monthly unemployment volumes.?
This release contains data on active substances contained in plant protection products placed on the market in Ireland annually from 2011 to 2023.
This release presents estimates for livestock numbers (cattle, sheep and pigs) in December 2024 at State level.
The Production in Building and Construction Index (PBCI) provides quarterly statistics on output in the sector.
Business in Ireland 2022 – Green Economy is the new name for the publication previously called Environment Goods and Services Sector or (EGSS). This release contains an analysis of the supply of the green economy by category of environment activity and the economic sector of the producer or supplier. Green economy activities generally include the production of renewable energy and energy saving activities such as retrofitting homes, along with the supply of water, treatment of waste water, handling of waste and the construction of environment-related facilities.
?? View the infographic: https://www.cso.ie/en/releasesandpublications/ep/p-biige/businessinireland2022greeneconomy/
Recorded Crime statistics are produced on a quarterly basis by the Central Statistics Office. The Recorded Crime electronic publication and related tables provide statistical information on the volume and type of crimes recorded by An Garda Síochána (AGS).
?? View the infographic: https://www.cso.ie/en/releasesandpublications/ep/p-rc/recordedcrimeq32024/
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This year, the CSO (Central Statistics Office Ireland) celebrates it’s 75th anniversary.
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Learn why you can trust the CSO ??: https://lnkd.in/eXtpwHdp
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For further information on CSO Publications and releases, email: [email protected]