2 Mindset Shifts That Fast Track Your Transition Into Fourth Dimensional Leadership
Janette Valoisie M.S.U
Digital Marketing Storytelling Expert For Legacy Builders| Outbound Prospecting | Inbound Marketing Done 4 U System For Startups
...So You Can Grow and Prosper in this New Digital Economy
It used to be that leadership was a topic only reserved for the corporate world, politics and large organizations with lots of employees.
That was back in the day when such things like "job security" and "work hard to make money" was the only way society operated.
But you and I know the world is changing. It's changing faster than most of us can handle. In case you haven't noticed, this is the era of business giants.
Politics and religion no longer dominate. Therefore leadership is getting a huge and unprecedented makeover because all of a sudden, the "leader" position is now open to any and all!
That's a wonderful thing. Right?
Right. Unless we are trying to fit new wine into old bottles. Bottles that weren't even that great, to begin with!
There are very few good examples of effective nurturing leadership that unlocks people's potential or even enthusiasm, said Deepak Chopra a while back during an interview.
Which is kind of alarming especially since there seem to be more people {globally} who are building huge social followings and investing heavily in various business models that are supposedly aimed at helping to make the world better.
How can we really make the world better if we are still ineffective leaders ruled and tormented by tumultuous emotions, lack of clarity, greed and untamed minds?
For a long time, I never dared speak on leadership because given my background - I thought there was no way leadership applies to me.
Until I realized that in fact, we are all leaders. Whether you rock a corporate job, run your own business or raise a family at home – You are a leader.
As such, there are some major mindset shifts you must begin to embrace if you want to thrive and positively impact those you influence. As a leader, you are the forefront of creating a new worldview that benefits you, your followers and your team.
If you happen to be an entrepreneur it's doubly important that you start making these shifts because, with the rapid transition that’s taking place thanks to the digital revolution, you stand to incur great losses personally and professionally if you chose to remain stubborn in your old ways.
We need the courage to let go of the old world and embrace the new world.
Developing the ability to see our world of business from a fresh, elevated perspective and integrating new dimensions that extend beyond the traditional long standing ones is the key to you rising above everyone else in your field.
Allow me to digress a bit to give your intellect a working understanding of how to perceive the new leadership style, attitude and approach that's emerging. Especially as it pertains to business.
What ought to be our new approach to leadership?
Two words: Enlightened leadership.
Which is what exactly?
It is a kind of leadership that unlocks the potential for greatness in the leader and those that follow the leader. Leadership in our modern era cannot be separated from spirituality and self-awareness anymore. Fourth-dimensional leadership is here to close that gap because we cannot be separated from spiritual foundations anymore if we want it to be effective and stable long term.
Enlightened leadership is spiritual if we understand spirituality not as some kind of religious dogma or ideology but as the domain of awareness where we experience values like truth, goodness, beauty, love, and compassion, and also intuition, creativity, insight and focused attention.
Of course, this almost feels counter-intuitive for most everyone who has been in the workplace long enough. I can just see you shaking your head going like. What the…
See, that's just it!
There is a need for a huge mindset shift which will require you to break away from old behaviors, thought patterns, and paradigms that no longer serve you, your dreams or business effectively.
The digital revolution is placing a lot of power in your hands whether you lead a team of one or one thousand! And that means you need a totally new framework and viewpoint when it comes to the manner in which you engage people, approach situations, make decisions and evaluate opportunities.
It's time to increase your intelligence and common sense dear one. Because like it or not, most of what got you to this point won't take you to the next level of your success. So you will need to change unproductive behaviors and learn to tame that unruly, rebellious ego as well as those emotions you've learned to mute out. Why?
Because in this new world where anything is possible, the game is no longer about using brute force and man power. It's about mind mastery and creativity. Your ego tends to really get uncomfortable with this concept.
It can be extremely difficult, especially when you feel compelled to make behavioral changes in your leadership when circumstances force your hand.
As a leader, it’s not about waiting for your business, clients or the marketplace to shape your mindset – but rather about being acutely aware of the dynamics around you to anticipate when it’s time to change.
If you procrastinate and say you don’t have time to prepare for a mindset shift, that is when it feels forced, uncomfortable and awkward. On the other hand, when you can anticipate and begin to make the required behavioral changes, you are better able to sustain your leadership momentum.
So back to the feature of this article:
What are 2 mindset shifts you can make today that will make you a better leader and improve your business results?
Shift Number One: Shed the old beliefs about risk and make it your new best friend
As a business leader, and progressive individual you can't afford NOT to take risks. Your ignorance of what risk is and how to responsibly take risks might cause you to fall on the wrong side of life, but still...
Taking calculated risks is the only way you will build a thriving empire. And if you are a faith-based individual, I do have a wonderful resource that can help you reconcile this idea of risk taking by instilling in you a true foundational belief.
The bottom line is if you lead your business, projects, and life in general with the mindset that risk is you, friend, you will stop falling victim to that fear of failure that your parents conditioned you into. As a modern leader, your role is to empower, add value to the market place and inspire others to unleash their true potential as well.
If you're still held captive by the fear of failure and your beliefs around adversity are still distorted, you become your own biggest obstacle.
Adversity may make or break you, but ultimately it reveals who you are
Shift Number Two: Moving from being product oriented to customer oriented
The new business leaders who are thriving and will continue doing so are those who believe in their product and/or service but don't focus on selling it.
Rather, they are adopting a new approach and mental attitude. They are more interested in serving the customer, filling the need the client has and solving the problem their client is experiencing.
In other words, while they do love their product; they actually care a lot about the customer's well-being and results.
This is perhaps the first time in human history we have made this transition. Business has rarely been associated with happiness and well-being. For a very long time, the most successful leaders and businesses are those who only cared about numbers, sales quotas and developing big cold brands that were impersonal.
The shift has already begun and each day even big terms like "branding" and "marketing" are getting makeovers. It's only a matter of time before the whole customer approach shifts entirely.
And if you don't believe me, take an afternoon off this week and head on to an Apple store near you. Notice the "customer experience" that you'll get to enjoy there. All that has been created on purpose.
If a huge company like Apple can afford to transition into this type of leadership and customer-centric model, wouldn't it be wise for you to start adjusting they you currently brand, market and communicate with your customers?
After all, you are the leader in your chosen niche. Hence if your desire is more time and money freedom in our modern society, start reinventing yourself to match the new world we live in.
May you prosper.
Janette "the self-made leader" Getui.