2 Keys To A Very Profitable 2020 For Direct Response Marketers
Mike Pavlish
Direct Response Copywriter - mikepavlish.com for samples and sales results (over $810 million sold)
As I step back and think about it, 2020 can be your best year ever if you get two things right:
#1. Compliance is king. Facebook, native, Google and E-mail spam filters are the gatekeepers to success. You either play the game correctly to win – or you will lose. Your copywriting must be compliant or else you have no chance to be successful.
And here’s the good news: You CAN have copywriting that pulls great and is 100% compliant for the social media networks. I know because I write it for clients every day.
No, it is not easy. I personally invested $47,000.00 last year alone to learn the latest and greatest about Facebook compliance. And it has taken me the better part of the last 5 years to master, but there ARE rules, and there ARE ways to write powerful copy that works and is still compliant.
The payoff is so worth it. Social media like Facebook, Instagram, Google and native are where the eyeballs are these days. If you can get a winner here, you can scale up fast to huge numbers and make truckloads of money.
#2. Copywriting that distinguishes your product. I don’t care what niche you are in anymore; your product will be competing for the buyer’s money with dozens of similar products.
The secret to success is copywriting to make your product sound different and superior to all these other products so it becomes a no-brainer decision for the prospect to send his/her money to YOU.
To do this, you need to differentiate your product. This means make it sound different, unique and superior to other products on the market. Otherwise, the prospect will just buy the most well-known brand name or go to Amazon and buy the recommended product or the cheapest one.
“But isn’t that difficult Mike?”
Sure it is. But that’s what all successful marketing must do. Three qualities help you do this: experience, research and imagination. Let’s briefly look at each one:
Experience: It’s a heck of a lot easier to come up with a breakthrough idea that fits your product when you have already written hundreds of winning promotions and studied thousands of other winning promotions. That’s the incredible value of experience. You take things from the past and modify them for current promotions.
Research: Here’s where you can outwork your competition. Before you write the first word of a landing page for a new promotion, dig through all similar promotions on the market, those that ran in the past, all the ingredient study research if it is a nutritional supplement, all your headline and promotion swipe files, brainstorm with other top people in the field, and consider taking your best ideas to a focus group to see which ones resonate with them the most. And then, inexpensively test your main ideas online to see which one pulls best.
Only by doing this intense research can you dig up the idea for a big winner.
Probably 98% of promotions and copywriters don’t do this enough. It’s because it involves two words that people hate: “hard work”. And its unglamorous, tough, boring, sludging, detailed work.
Here’s an example of how my copywriting sold nearly $10 million of a single product last year based on research used to distinguish a product.
The product is from TruGenics. It is named Artic Blast, which are pain relief drops. It is still an active offer now.
What are the keys to this amazing success? My research came up with video footage from an old “60 minutes” TV segment on the main Ingredient in this product, DMSO. I used this built-in credibility to tell a long and convincing story about how it has been used effectively for pain relief by many superstar athletes and Hollywood celebrities … then how the drug companies tried to discredit it because they could not patent it and make a fortune from it.
Jackpot! Huge sales were created using this copywriting approach on what otherwise would have been a commodity-like product with commodity-like copywriting that would have pulled “average” response rates.
The bottom line: To have a big winner in today’s ultra-competitive marketplace, you need in-depth research to find a great “hook”.
Imagination: Albert Einstein said, “Imagination is more important than knowledge”. For this article, my definition of imagination is figuring out what the prospect wants most, then shaping your product in a truthful but unique way to satisfy that burning desire of your prospect.
Let your imagination run free. Imagination is what created the most life-changing inventions in history. It could lead to a new breakthrough big idea to sell your product or service.
These are your 2 keys for a very profitable 2020 … compliance and copywriting that distinguishes your product or service.
One last point, more important than ever today: Be bold! Be dramatic! Go Big – or go home! People only respond to BIG news, EXCITING things, GREAT breakthroughs. Find the proof to back it up, then make your promise big, bold and exciting.
I hope you apply these keys and have a record-breaking 2020.
I am in the process of working out my 2020 schedule. If you’re interested in getting a slot, we should talk now because my slots are limited, and my fees are going up January 10th. www.MikePavlish.com