2 Ideas to Revamp Your Career in 2022
Martha D. Karimi
Social Innovation I Strategy I Organization Design I Leadership I Film-Maker
Happy New Week Fam!
As I crawl myself into the 52nd week of the year and what will be my last post until late January 2022, I am deeply moved by the events that lived through me these last days.
How might you embrace compassion in your career in 2022?
For instance, the other day I was walking home at around 7 pm. I hear a boy behind me call out his sibling to wait for him. So I stop to give him the way and watch his back because it’s already dark and everyone is driving their motorbikes like mad.
The boy runs past me and is reunited with his other brother (both are like 5/6 years old). The slightly taller one looks at the ground and then up and asks,'' Do you want me to give you my shoes?'' He is talking to his sibling who has been walking on rough gravel without shoes. Even before he could get a response, he removes his shoes, gives them to his brother, and keeps walking on the same rough gravel. Unmoved.
Hitch-hiking - How might you take the risk to stand up for something you believe in in 2022?
A few days later, I am travelling locally on a semi-private shuttle. (I don’t know if there is regulation for these things???). My real desire was to hitch-hike all through. But I was a little bit scared. Childhood stories trauma.
Anyhow, so I chose the semi-private option.
10 minutes after I am comfortably seated at the front, a lady comes by and hands over his child to the driver. She then chit chats him for a few minutes about making sure the kid arrives safely and is picked up by the right people. She asks the boy to recite her phone number, just in case he loses his phone. Pays FULL AMOUNT and after ensuring her child is safe and comfortable, says her goodbyes and leaves.
A few minutes later, the shuttle is full and we are ready to leave. All of us but the driver. He has other plans to make him more money. Move the boy and sandwich him in the larger seat at the back. And give the boy's seat to another lady waiting by. The lady sees this nonsense and she says no. That’s not happening. Leave the boy alone.
Lady walks away.
We think we are leaving. Nah. This driver doesn’t give up easily.
Two other men show up. They seem in a hurry. They could take the boy's seat. So the driver decides the boy is going to be squeezed next to his seat. Infront. Where there is only the driver's seat. And one passenger's seat. The front only has one passenger seat. Which I am occupying.
Of course, am not taking this nonsense either. So I tell him straight up that his new plan is well, a dead end. The mother paid the full amount for this kid. He has every right to sit comfortably on a full sit. And his mother trusted you to ensure he travels safely and comfortably. So yeah. He stays in his seat.
After my 5 minutes lecture, I think we are done. We can go now right?
Greed is stubborn.
So the driver decides he now wants to squeeze an adult next to his seat. Remember this is in front and I am on the passenger's seat.
I think it's ridiculous. He must be joking.
No, he is not.
I tell him, I am happy to leave the car.
He has met his stubborn counterpart.
He switches into victimizing me. Lmao. I have done enough inner work to smell this card 10 miles away.
By now I know energy-wise, there is no way I can travel next to this person.
So I walk out.
The boy is not moved.
The two other men nicely squeeze themselves next to the driver.
For a microsecond, I am thinking how foolish a decision this must be. I might never arrive where I am going. But that thought quickly disappears, as the other lady who rebelled this nonsense, calls me to have a seat next to her.
We will find a way. She reassures. She must have seen this madness many times.
We sit in silence.
Five minutes later, another human arrives. He is headed to the airport. He can take two people.
My initial desire to hitchhike is fulfilled. Private car. AC. Comfortable. No Drama.
As I board, I pray the boy remained unmoved throughout his journey. And that he learned a lesson about standing up for himself. Or for others.
Did I mention, all through this drama, there were 3 or so more adults. Old enough to have children of their own.
No one said a word.
They just sat there.
In silence.
All through I am reminded of this quote by Martin Luther King, Jr. Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.
As you wind down on 2021, I hope you find within you the light for a brighter 2022, the boldness to stand up for your values & call our workplace bs, and compassion for yourself and others.
It's been wonderful connecting, sharing, and learning with you in this journey of creating conscious careers. In case you haven't, grab my book here and elevate how you think about yourself and the moves you make in your career in 2022.
May your holidays be filled with Love & Light!
International Finance Leader| Financial Management & Reporting| Optimal Grant Management| Corporate Governance| Commercial Contracts
2 年Powerful message about standing up for what’s right! Happy holidays to you Martha!