Happy Monday! I wanted to start off this week with some cool fellowships and grant opportunities.
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2 Humanities Fellowships & Grants
Welcome Early-Career Awards
- Summary: This scheme provides funding for early-career researchers from any discipline who are ready to develop their research identity. Through innovative projects, they will deliver shifts in understanding that could improve human life, health and wellbeing. By the end of the award, they will be ready to lead their own independent research programme.
- Location: United Kingdom
- Research Budget: 400,000 Pounds
- Award Includes: (1) Salary, (2) Relocation Allowance, (3) Staff, (4) Professional Development and Training, (5) Materials + Equipment, (6) Travel Allowance, (7) Overseas Allowance, (8) Clinical Research Costs, (9) Public Engagement + Patient Involvement, (10) Contract Research Organizations
- Apply Here: https://wellcome.org/grant-funding/schemes/early-career-awards#how-to-apply-ebb4?
National Endowment for the Humanities
- Summary: The National Endowment for the Humanities’ Summer Stipends program aims to stimulate new research in the humanities and its publication. The program works to accomplish this goal by:
- Providing small awards to individuals pursuing advanced research that is of value to humanities scholars, general audiences, or both
- Supporting projects at any stage of development, but especially early-stage research and late-stage writing in which small awards are most effective
- Funding a wide range of individuals, including independent scholars, community college faculty, and non-teaching staff at universities
Summer Stipends support continuous full-time work on a humanities project for a period of two consecutive months.? NEH funds may support recipients’ compensation, travel, and other costs related to the proposed scholarly research.
- Maximum Award Amount: $6,000
- Deadline: September 20, 2023