2 hours in 5 minutes on Vertical Integration vs Horizontal Co-Creation
What is the best strategy for breakthrough innovation:
Exclusive Vertical Integration, or Inclusive Horizontal Co-Creation?
Do it Tesla-style, or do it Porsche-style - as long as you do it with style and know both why and how!
A warm thanks to Prof.Dr.rer.nat. Leo Brecht and Universit?t Liechtenstein for organising an excellent event and for inviting local media to capture and share the essence of two truly co-creative hours on two companies that are polar extremes in how thew perform breakthrough innovation.
Looking good for the 1+1/2 day executive workshop on September 27-28 on #cocreation #emobility #sustainability with more sharing of the 23+years of extreme breakthroughs by iKNOW-WHO
The video starts in German, but then shifts to English: