2 Easy Steps to Turn Around Your Angriest Prospects
You know the drill when meeting with new, qualified prospects.
You’ve got to be somewhat vague, coming out of the gate.
You can’t let the cat out of the bag…just yet.
First you’ll chat to casually to get to know each other a bit.
Not an exchange of life stories …
…merely some small talk to break the ice.
If you met at an event you might start by asking how they liked it.
Or maybe you know some of the same people, so you can say something nice about one of them.
That helps form a good first impression.
She’ll get the idea that you’re the kind of person that says nice things about others.
And realize that you’ll probably wind up saying good stuff about her, too.
So she relaxes and begins to feel more comfortable.
The perfect ambiance for meaningful conversation.
After the social niceties you focus on getting to know her.
You want to know what makes her tick.
The questions you’ll ask will help you uncover her “Why.”
Once you’ve got a good idea of what she wants to change in her life you offer your business opportunity as a solution.
She loves your product – it’s right up her alley.
The conversation is flowing freely.
Excitement is in the air.
She’s super nice and will be a blast to work with.
You’re pretty sure she’s going to join your team.
She’s showing all kinds of buying behavior…
…she’s smiling widely..
…leaning into the conversation…
…her head’s tilted to one side, conveying interest.
And it all goes to hell in a handbasket the second she realizes it’s network marketing.
You watch her transform right before your eyes.
Crossing her arms across her chest she shoots daggers your way.
The tone of her voice was almost menacing as she said – “I can’t believe you didn’t tell me from the get-go that this is network marketing! If I’d know I wouldn’t have given you the time of day.”
She is rip-roaring mad!
And not very good at controlling her anger.
You give her room to vent and yourself a chance to jump into her shoes.
You’ve got to figure out how she’s looking at this.
It’s paramount to understand what she’s thinking and feeling.
In spite of her heavy criticism of the industry and taking shots at you, you listen with heart.
And when she finally runs out of gas she looks at you for an answer.
You’re at a crossroad.
There are choices of what to say next.
You can either confidently defend your industry, your company, and yourself.
Or, you can save your breath on that story and give her what she needs most.
Your empathy.
Not the kind where you feel sorry for her.
The kind of empathy that forges understanding and a common feeling.
She’s decidedly cool so you need to turn her hostility into warmth.
That seems like a tough bill to fill.
She’s completely occupied with her irritation and disappointment.
No worries because it’s super simple.
Time to put your ego aside.
It will make all the difference in the world.
And neutralize the acidity of her hard feelings.
It’s a 2-step process.
Apologize and sympathize.
That’s it!
I know that technically, you didn’t do anything wrong.
But an apology is powerful when it comes from the heart.
And you need to make it real.
She’ll see through any pretending in a heartbeat.
A heartfelt apology for your part in her misunderstanding will go a long way.
Yet it’s just the beginning.
She needs some softening up.
Tell her that you could have presented the opportunity in a different way and that you feel badly for messing things up.
Keep going…
Say that you’re upset that your mistake may have caused her negative reaction…
….that if you’d done a better job she’d probably have joined and found the solution to her financial woes.
You sure wish you could do it over again so she’d see how the industry has changed…
…and that because of you, she’ll miss being part of its exponential growth.
And that if you were standing in her shoes you’ll feel the same way.
That’s true because if you were in her situation, looking at the world through her eyes, you would feel the same way.
You may already be seeing that there’s an art to this.
There is – and it takes practice.
But get what happens?
Your apology will in fact, soften her.
She’ll probably apologize for her over-reaction…
…and begin to stick up for you when you take on the blame.
It seems that apologizing and sympathizing triggers mirroring.
Mirroring is when someone subconsciously imitates the gesture, speech pattern or attitude of another.
It’s the subconscious replication of another person’s non-verbal signals...
…which is why being authentic is critical.
She’ll subconsciously mirror your expressions and be naturally inclined to help you feel better.
It really comes down to your willingness to try this on.
Your upline might think that this doesn’t show posture.
It shows a lot more – about your character and what you stand for.
I’m not saying that this will turn around every anti-MLMer out there.
And even if it does change a few perspectives, it might not happen overnight.
But it opens up another opportunity to create a great impression of you and your industry.
And you will have gained an incredibly useful leadership skill that will take you up the ladder.
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