2-Dec-2024 Issue #3
korosh Taher Nassab
Senior Media Expert - one of LinkedIn's selected experts. Human rights activist - supporter of the feminism movement and women's rights. Football and wrestling expert. Connect - Follow : +29.999 ( 41,162 )
?The?majority of EU member states have still not started the process of putting the minimum wage directive into national law – just weeks before the deadline for implementation.
Around 20 million workers should benefit from the directive which requires member states with statutory minimum wages to ensure they are adequate, and for all member states to promote collective bargaining.
Member states are dragging their feet implementing EU laws intended to ensure workers get a decent salary, as a key deadline looms, the European Trade Union Confederation said.
With weeks to go until a key legislative deadline, seven EU countries have not even started legislating for new EU minimum wage protections, new research from the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) has found.
New EU laws, agreed in June 2022 in the wake of a significant cost of living crisis, must be embedded in national legislation to take effect – but France, Italy, Portugal, Cyprus, Estonia, Lithuania and Malta haven’t even started doing so, ETUC said.
According to Euronews: “Working people have already waited two years for this directive to be implemented and should not be made to wait any longer,” ETUC Confederal Secretary Tea Jarc said in a statement.
“Most national governments should stop dragging their heels and finally turn these promises into a reality,” she added.
When agreed by lawmakers and governments in June 2022, the new EU rules were hailed by the European Commissioner Nicolas Schmit, who said they would “help make sure that minimum wage earners can afford a dignified life” at a time of significant worries about the cost of living.
They faced opposition from Denmark and Sweden, which have widespread collective bargaining but no minimum wage, and by businesses who feared extra costs. Gross minimum wages in the EU vary widely, from €477 per month in Bulgaria to €2571 in Luxembourg.
The final rules don’t require countries to have minimum wages, but those who do must ensure they have a sound way of setting and updating them, such as by reference to purchasing power.
The European Commission is responsible for enforcing EU law and can take governments who fail to take the necessary measures to court – although that normally only happens once the deadline, in this case 15 November, has passed.
What Is Artificial Intelligence?
Artificial Intelligence is the field of developing computers and robots that are capable of behaving in ways that both mimic and go beyond human capabilities. AI-enabled programs can analyze and contextualize data to provide information or automatically trigger actions without human interference.
In 2024, the global labor market has faced massive changes. The development of new technologies, changes in economic methods, the growth of the new generation and the needs of societies have made some jobs more popular around the world. One of the most important criteria in the selection jobs is the amount of income, amenities such as: insurance, leave, overtime, compliance with individual, social and occupational rights...!
Today, artificial intelligence is at the heart of many technologies we use, including smart devices and voice assistants such as Siri on Apple devices. Companies are incorporating techniques such as natural language processing and computer vision — the ability for computers to use human language and interpret images — to automate tasks, accelerate decision making, and enable customer conversations with chatbots.
Among the jobs that have this set of facilities and sufficient income, we can mention the fields of health, engineering, programming and computer, law and justice, accounting and finance.
Amidst the prominence of these jobs in 2024, the sleeping giant of artificial intelligence has begun its serious entry into the job market and rush to capture the position of jobs in the job market, business, and social and technical fields.
Future of work
The world of work is changing rapidly as a result of new technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI), the emergence of new forms of work, as well as greening, demographic change and globalization.
While firms’ adoption of AI is still relatively low, rapid technological progress, falling costs and the increasing availability of workers with AI skills suggest OECD countries may be on the cusp of an AI revolution.
?A new era of sports
Looking back one day, the five years after the coronavirus pandemic will be seen as a transformative period in the global sports industry. This period will be marked by significant changes in technological capabilities, as well as shifts in business and commercial models for sports leagues and teams.pected to face in the coming year and the corresponding impacts,
Evidence of the industry’s strength is supported by the fact that team valuations continue to climb—for both men’s and women’s sports. The value of many teams and leagues is anchored by lucrative media rights deals.
?Sports tourism is one of the phenomena of this century, which plays an important and influential role in the global sports economy.
Sports exhibitions are part of the sports industry. In this industry, football plays an important role in creating employment and reducing the number of unemployed. For example: The football business is a vast ecosystem that includes broadcasting, marketing, business and tourism. Developing countries eager to enter the global soccer frenzy have seen an increase in soccer-related businesses. From-TV broadcasting rights and ordering sports equipment sports journalism to merchandise sales and football-themed events, the ripple effects are significant.
During the holding of games such as Olympics, World Cup, Euro, etc., they bring with them a temporary economic boom. Hotels, restaurants, and transportation services thrive, providing short-term employment and demonstrating the economic potential of hosting soccer events.
In 2023, 1.55 million people were employed in the sports sector in the EU, representing 0.76% of total employment. Compared with 2022 (1.51 million), the number of people employed in the sports sector increased by 2.2%.
??????????? Among the EU countries, Sweden had the highest share of people working in the field of sports (1.33% of total employment), followed by Denmark (1.25%) and Spain (1.16%).
??????????? In contrast, the lowest shares of people employed in the sports sector were registered in Romania (0.28% of total employment), Bulgaria (0.37%) and Slovakia (0.40%).
?? Source dataset: sprt_emp_sex
Zak Anani wrote in a report: Employment in the sports sector differs from total employment in terms of age composition. More than one-third (37.4%) of people employed in sport were aged 15 29, which is more than twice the share reported in overall employment (17.4%) for the same age group in 2023.
The majority of those employed in sport were aged 30-64, accounting for 59.1% of all sport workers, which was 20.6 percentage points (pp) less than the share of the same age group in the total employment (79.7%). People aged 65+ accounted for 3.5% in the sports sector and 3.0% in total employment.
More men were employed in the sports sector than women (55.2% and 44.8%, respectively), leading to a slightly larger gender employment gap of the population employed in this sector compared with overall employment (53.6% and 46.4%, respectively).
The schedule for holding several sports exhibitions in December 2024 and January-February 2024 is as follows:
December 2024: Sporting Goods Exhibitions and Conferences
??????????? 03 – 05/12/2024 – ISPO Munich 2024: Germany Multi-segment Sports Trade Fair
??????????? 05 – 08/12/2024 – Cavalcade Poznan 2024: Poland Horse Riding, Breeding and Care
January 2025
??????????? 30/01/2025 – 01/02/2025 – AQUAFUN 2025: Istanbul Pool, SPA, Wellness, Water Attractions Industry Meeting
??????????? 30/01/2025 – 01/02/2025 – ATRAX 2025: Istanbul Attractions Parks & Sports Facilities Industry
??????????? 30/01/2025 – 01/02/2025 – FENS Istanbul 2025: Area Protection, Landscape, Fence, Wire, Sports Facilities Expo
February 2025
??????????? 19 – 21/02/2025 – IAAPI Amusement Expo 2025: Mumbai Amusement, Theme & Water Parks
??????????? 20 – 23/02/2025 – Cavalcade Krakow 2025: Poland Horse Riding and Breeding Expo