Paul Parker
Teacher / Coach / 5 times Award winning Producer/Director/ Writer & Published Author x 2
2 days to the book launch of Acting The Australian Way by Paul Parker. USA celebrity actor Jeannette Arnette https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0036261/?ref_=fn_al_nm_1
says this about Paul: “I love working with Paul Parker, he’s a great teacher, he is really, REALLY smart about acting training. I love and always look forward to his classes in LA” - Jeannetta Arnette, Los Angeles, USA celebrity actor. 94 credits on IMDB as of June,2022. A student of Paul’s on and off since 2009. The book launch of book "Acting The Australian Way" by Paul Parker. Friday at 7pm (PST) in the USA and Saturday at 12 noon in Australia and 11am in Japan. It looks like you must click on this link here to watch the event live
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