2 Cor 5:21
Jesus said He is the "bread of life". It was His body that was broken on our behalf as the substitutionary sacrifice for our sins. Notice that He never once called us to be the "bread of life"! He is the ONLY "Bread of Life" – the true bread who came down from Heaven which anyone may eat and not die. Whoever eats this bread will live forever. This bread is His flesh, given for the life of the world.
We must realize that we can ADD NOTHING to His sacrifice. If we begin to believe that any good works can add to His sacrifice then we have nullified the perfection of the Messiah's work which provides our justification by faith alone, not of works lest any man should boast. [Ephesians 2:8-9]
Understanding that you cannot save yourself by any good deeds, and falling wholeheartedly upon the sacrifice of Jesus to save you, will remove spiritual pride, as you understand that He has provided you with the righteousness and goodness which you possess as a generous gift of His Spirit.
In gratitude you will walk in His freedom, serving the Lord with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength!
Brothers & Sisters, just as Adam and Eve put on fig leaves to cover their nakedness, we can try to cover our deeply corrupted sinful nature with good deeds or religious activity. None of this is of any use or value if we have not truly eaten the "Bread of Life", Jesus the Messiah. His free gift of righteousness is the only way we can become good. Once He has provided that, we can begin to do works that are truly pleasing and of great value to our Lord. UNDERSTAND THE LORD'S PART IN THE SALT CONVENANT! Guide Makombo's Detions