#2 Coding Multilayer Perceptrons
California Housing Dataset visualized

#2 Coding Multilayer Perceptrons

There are many problems in real life which are easy to solve. You have two choices. In any new decision, you either go with Choice 1, or Choice 2. In machine learning, if we can divide any two classes with a straight line, this means it is linearly separable. If not, they are not linearly separable.

In deep learning, things get complicated. Now we want to predict something where we have an 'N' number of inputs. 'N' can be as large as possible. And after all the calculations, and training, we want to generate a 'Z' number of outputs. They can also be as large as possible.

The most famous example is the handwritten number dataset by MNIST. Here, the inputs are digits from 0 to 9. The output tells us probabilities of what digit it is. For example, there is a 0.3 chance that the number is 3, a 0.5 chance it is an 8, 0.2 chance it is 6. All these add up to 1.

In artificial neural networks, a multilayer perceptron (MLP) has three layers: input, hidden, and output.


  • The first box, where we put our information, can take different kinds of numbers depending on what we're working on. It could be anything from numbers representing colours in pictures to numbers showing how much someone likes something.

Desired Output:

  • The last box, where we get our answer from, gives us numbers that match what we want. For example, if we're trying to guess if a picture has a cat or a dog, it might give us numbers showing how likely it is for each animal.

Hidden Layers:

  • The middle box, the "thinking" box, can have more than one layer. Think of it as having more helpers inside. The more layers, the more helpers, and the better we can understand complicated things.

Feedforward Process:

  • When we put our information into the first box, it gets passed through the chain. Each box takes what the previous one gave and does something with it.
  • In the "thinking" box, each helper adds up the numbers it gets, kind of like mixing ingredients in a recipe. Then, it passes the total through a special filter that decides how much of it should go through.
  • This process happens from the first box to the last, and in the end, we get an answer from the last box.


Using Keras (the Tensorflow high-level API), a standard model workflow looks like this:

I used the California dataset to predict house values:

Exploring the dataset: When plotted the Latitude, and Longitude, this is how they relate to the house prices. As expected, Los Angeles and San Franciso are hubs where prices are highest.

Model building: Divided the dataset into train and test. Built a model with 3 layers. You can see the clips of the code here:

This is the final interpretation of the model:

Github Repo: MLP for California Housing Price Regression problem


  1. Video on Neural Networks: MLP
  2. Dive into Deep Learning
  3. Scikit Learn Documentation
  4. TensorFlow Documentation


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