#2 of 5 Common Spoken Chinese Mistakes to Avoid

#2 of 5 Common Spoken Chinese Mistakes to Avoid

Following the last post with #1 Chinese never say 你(nǐ) 好(hǎo) 吗(ma)?!!! of 5 Common Spoken Chinese Mistakes to Avoid, let's have another simpler one .

#2 我(wǒ) 是(shì)叫(jiào)Annie VS 我(wǒ)是(shì)Annie / 我(wǒ)叫(jiào)Annie (I‘m Annie)

This is a grammar mistake caused by direct tranlating the English way of introducing name, My name is Annie.

In Chinese,you should say 我(wǒ)是(shì)Annie (I am Annie) or 我(wǒ)叫(jiào)Annie (My name is Annie), with 是(shì) or 叫(jiào) alone, not together.


In Chinese, putting 是(shì) and 叫(jiào)together is just repeating the same function word to connect the subject(I) and object(Annie), making it wrong in grammar.

Similar mistakes you may make include:

我(wǒ) 是(shì) 从(cóng) 美(měi)国(guó) 来(lái) I'm from the US。Which should be 我(wǒ) 来(lái)自(zì)美(měi)国(guó)。

他(tā) 是(shì) 很(hěn)好(hǎo) He is very nice。Which should be 他(tā)很(hěn)好(hǎo)。

Further Why? In grammar terms, Adjective (很(hěn)冷(lěng)/从(cóng) 美(měi)国(guó) 来(lái)…) functioning as predicate is a particular phenomenon in modern Chinese.

For e.g. In the examples above, am/is/are in English is usually necessary, as predicate, but in Chinese, 是(shì) is just not necessary as the adjectives is functioning as the predicate. If you put是(shì) there in the English way and say the adjectives too, it comes to be repeating. So remember to omit 是(shì) if there is adjective coming after as predicate.

Another example: She is very beautiful.. You should say “她(tā) 很(hěn)漂(piào) 亮(liang)。” right? How about some quizzes?

David is handsome. | 大卫(David)________帅(handsome)

This answer is not correct. | 这个答案(answer)_______

Tom’s book is so interesting. | 这本书___________

This post is helpful. | 这个帖(tiě)子(zi)(post)____________有(yǒu)帮(bāng)助(zhù)(helpful).

Feel free to put your answers in the comment area so i can help check.

All correct? What about this?

It’s a helpful post. 这一个很有帮助的帖子。

You need 是 here as there is a noun/object after the adjective. It’s the same like it’s a pen(这是一支笔。) actually.

Special Note: There is indeed situation where Chinese may say 我(wǒ) 是(shì)叫(jiào)Annie, using both 是(shì) and 叫(jiào) , but as a way of emphasis, meaning I AM Annie for sure, not other name, not as a general name introduction. When you say this, remember to pronounce 是(shì) strongly so they can understand you are not making mistake, but putting emphasis. Same way, you can also say David 是(shì) 很(hěn)帅(shuài),when you want to say David IS INDEED SO handsome。

Got some ideas? Let’s stop here today If you have any questions, feel free to comment or email me [email protected]

By Frank Wu from SNMandarin Chinese Academy, and to be continued with #3.

I know there are also mistakes in my English writing.Any help from you in teling (telling,thanks to Edward's help in comments)me is much more than appreciated.

Cheers to your Chinese learning.

Edward M. Abel

Senior Supplier Quality Engineer

10 年

Frank, "teling" is spelled "telling" with two ll's

Edward M. Abel

Senior Supplier Quality Engineer

10 年




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