2-4 Stations Shuttle type Roto Moulding Machine

2-4 Stations Shuttle type Roto Moulding Machine

Shuttle type Rotomoulding machines are available in two version like

1.Moving oven with moving carriage [shuttle] .

2.Fix oven with moving carriage [shuttle].

Shuttle type Rotomoulding machines are specially designed to hold large moulds as well as multiple moulds with various capacities. Provision for such large mould carrier plates and arms are provided for both side support for sturdy and comfortable operation instead of cantilever type station arms which is a special feature for the shuttle type machines.

1.Fix oven with moving carriage [station]

Maximum 2 Stations.

2.Moving oven with moving carriage [station]

Maximum 4 Stations.

Wide range of Shuttle type Rotomoulding machines having oven chamber size from 1.5 meters to 7.0 meters to produce up to 30000 ltrs [7500 USG]

1 Suggested for large size production.

2 Equipped with machine controls and necessary interlocking.

3 Equipped with safety devices, indicators and alarms.

4 Microprocessor based machine control panel with digital display.

5 Optional PLC for complete automation.

6 Environment friendly burners suitable for LPG/CNG/OIL/Duel Fuels.

7 Optionally design heating chamber for energy efficient heat transfer to the 8 moulds for fast and short cycle time.

9 Special insulation material for better working environment.

10 Straight arm with individual carrier for uniform thickness.

11 Inbuilt mould positioning and balancing facility.

12 Facility to add Extra station for higher production.























