1x100 is a Hundred Times Better than 100x1

1x100 is a Hundred Times Better than 100x1

Don't take this personally but... you're making a BIG mistake.

Yeah... it's bad.

And you don't even know it.

But it's costing you money, time, relationships, and ultimately it's impacting your bottom line in ways that you cannot even imagine.

In a word, it is...


Yup. Sorry. Truth-telling time. 

You're a lazy bum.

What do I mean?

Your marketing mindset is set to "bulk mode."

Over the last two weeks alone, I've had several of my smart, professional, experienced and (otherwise) emotionally intelligent clients either ask me about (or worse - tell me that they already did) the following:

??Send out a mass email prospecting for a six-figure consulting program

??Use a LinkedIn status update to request LinkedIn Recommendations from their 900 connections

??Use a bcc email to about 20 high-profile authors, speakers and experts soliciting blurbs for their upcoming book

In each of these cases, my reaction was swift and simple -- and as painful for them to hear as it was for me to convey:

This is jaw-droppingly stupid.

Even if you needed to communicate with 100 high-level decision makers at one time (and you don't) - do you think you'd get better results if you sent a private note OR if they see that you put in ZERO effort to reach out to them INDIVIDUALLY because at the bottom of your note it says "Click here to unsubscribe or change your email preferences - Sent by Constant Contact."

Come ON, folks... 

Similarly, would you be more likely to help someone who sent you this LinkedIn Recommendation request via 1-on-1 email... 



Thank you again for inviting me to keynote your GPPCC Mini-Summit last week. So glad to hear that Bob is recovering from his accident and that the direct mail project we discussed is off to a roaring start!

Would you be wonderful enough to write a few sentences by way of a LinkedIn recommendation for me based on your great feedback you shared with me right after our program last Friday?

Thank you in advance for considering it and let me know how I can be helpful to YOU.

-- David


...OR someone who posted this as their LinkedIn status:


I'm collecting testimonials or recommendations from my past work. If interested in contributing, please email a testimonial that I can use on my website and other marketing materials... I am positioning for a new book... more to come soon! Many thanks in advance!


Not even close, right?

Here's the math you need:

? 1x100 is 100X Better than 100x1 ?

Send the same core email - personalized and tailored to each person - to 100 people.

Do NOT send 100 generic emails to a list and hope for anywhere near the results you want.

I don't care if you're asking for sales, asking for leads, asking for referrals, asking for book blurbs, asking for help, asking to sell Girl Scout Cookies, or asking for a date.

If you don't make THEM feel special and worthy of your precious time, you can be sure they will reciprocate with the exact same level of effort - aka ZERO - in helping you get what YOU want. 

Not the outcome you're after. 

Final note: I've had salespeople and internet marketing types tell me, "Yes but you can personalize those emails."

Come on... your clients, customers, champions, allies, referral partners and friends aren't stupid.

They can tell the difference between a true PERSONAL email (the good kind) and a PERSONALIZED email (the bulk kind).

Doesn't matter how cleverly you disguise it.

They. Can. Tell.

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