1Voucher is going the distance
1Voucher is going the distance to enable travel businesses to cater for their cash customers.
?Travel is on the rise, and with it, online travel bookings. More and more South Africans are opting to book their holiday accommodation online for various reasons, from convenience to variety.
?Predicting the exact growth of online travel in SA is difficult, but experts suggest a tenfold growth over the next four years. Possible constraints include budget pressures, the number of people who have credit cards,?and a lack of knowledge of how to book online. While brands can’t do too much about consumers’ personal financial challenges, they can offer good deals, online booking facilities and, thanks to 1Voucher, a way for their customers to pay without a bank card.
1Voucher gives cash consumers a way to book tickets online, while giving travel brands a way to open themselves up to millions of main market cash customers across SA. If you’re not familiar with 1Voucher, here’s a quick rundown. 1Voucher is a secure payment voucher with a 16-digit PIN. In a very basic sense, it enables people to digitise their cash and get it online. A person can go to their local spaza shop with cash, swop their cash for a 1Voucher, and then use that voucher, on or offline, with any partner in the 1Voucher network, including travel partners.
Two forward-thinking, online-savvy brands that have already partnered with 1Voucher are Lift Airlines, and Intercape bus services.
Lift’s mission is to demonstrate that South Africa can compete with the best airlines, while keeping customers at the centre of their operations. Lift’s demand-driven business model is super-efficient? adding flexibility and value for the consumer. Giving their cash customers a way to pay for flights online with 1Voucher proves that inclusion and customer satisfaction really are a priority for them.
Intercape, one of South Africa's largest and most popular intercity coach companies, is leading the way when it comes to catering for digitally smart customers. Their online booking platform enables people to book and pay for bus tickets with a 1Voucher. This makes them particularly relevant for consumers living in rural areas who sometimes don’t live near to larger retail booking outlets. By giving their consumers a cardless way to pay online, Intercape is extending their reach to millions of main market cash customers across SA.
Today's consumers hate limits. They live in a world where they expect choice and convenience. When it comes to the products they buy and the services they use, and how they pay for them, they want to be able to choose from a wide variety of options. Business owners need to go the distance to provide cash customers with convenient payment methods or accept that their customers will shop elsewhere.
1Voucher was created around the belief that nobody deserves to be limited by their circumstances, and everybody deserves choice when it comes to payment methods. What is your business or brand doing to cater for, and empower, South Africa’s ever-expanding market of cash customers?
If you would like to find out more about joining the 1Voucher partner network, get in touch [email protected]