

Updating my featured section here on Linkedin.

New updates including

1. I added my Linktree QR code for quick contact info.

2. Added my #web3 oncyber gallery of Youtube videos of local areas in northwest Florida along with my Northwest Florida Realtor with more info on me, you can walk in front of the videos to make them run and hear the audio.

3. I am the #1stNFTmintedRealtor included the Marble Card Nfts of myself.

Minted 2021/04/06

A non-fungible token is a unit of data stored on a digital ledger, called a blockchain, that certifies a digital asset to be unique and therefore not interchangeable so if you think of a fungible as breaking a dollar into a 100 coins that token one can be traded for one dollar again just the same. A NFT is more along the lines of one of one pieces that cant be traded for the same thing as there is only one.

4. List of some of my certifications

5. List of services provided


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