1st Lean TWI Summit - Newsletter Week 14
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There are 76 days left until the Lean TWI Conference. We will meet on June 19-20 in Wroc?aw. In this newsletter, we will present what we are currently doing in terms of preparing for the Conference.
In the meantime, visit the Conference website:
Link to the Conference in Polish: https://leantrix.com/pl/konferencja-lean-twi/
Link to the Conference in English: https://leantrix.com/en/lean-twi-conference/
Meetings with Speakers and Discord
The Lean TWI Conference aims to be different from all others. We focus on building a community. We want the conference itself to be a meeting of practitioners, but we also want this meeting to be well-prepared. Therefore, we focus on several activities.
First and foremost, we meet with the Speakers. These meetings are broadcast live and have an informal nature. The next meeting will take place on April 11 at 19:00, with Maciej Jagie??o from Danone as the guest. Link to the event:
Moreover, on the Discord platform, there is an opportunity to meet both registered participants and the Speakers. Always after the Thursday meeting with a speaker, we meet on Discord for a follow-up.
Every person registered for the conference receives an invitation to the Discord channel.
Conference agenda
Anyone who has seen the conference agenda has noticed one gap. Yes, we are currently waiting for the last company to present at the conference. We have already finalized the topic by 90%. It is one of the leading manufacturing companies in the world. We are very pleased that a representative of this company will speak at our conference. As we informed, we mainly focus on practical case studies. On the first day of the conference, we have 9 practical case studies and a power-speech by the Head Coach of the Wroc?aw Panthers - Dave Christensen.
The practical case studies will be conducted by Tomek Kanikula, Maciej Jagie??o, Dorota Draus, Bart?omiej Chodubski, Wiktor Wo?oszczuk, Jaros?aw Jurasz, Bogus?aw Zambok, Joanna Knapczyk, Aneta Góralik, Bart?omiej Kotlarski, Katarzyna Kolacka, Angelica Fuentes, and Ewa Pa?ka.
The second day will consist of practical workshops. But more on that in the next Newsletter in a week!
See you in Wroc?aw, and earlier on Discord!
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