1st impressions matter
1st impressions matter, however Sue Shellenbarger writes in the January 30, 2018 Wall Street Journal1 article, “A growing body of research shows the snap judgments people make about others’ trustworthiness are wrong more often than most people think.”
“Lisa Peers, an actor and workplace-communications coach, advises clients to prepare themselves mentally to impress new acquaintances by pausing for a few moments beforehand to think about what they want to accomplish with the other person. She recommends using breathing techniques to foster relaxed, confident movement, and striving for “symmetry in your stance, with your shoulders straight and even. That first entrance in the room is the same as that first entrance of your character on stage,” says Ms. Peers, chief executive of Peers & Players, a workplace-communication training firm in San Francisco.”
“When Ms. Blair greets a new acquaintance, she avoids sending mixed messages. She stands with her hands relaxed and visible at her side, rather than hidden in her pockets or crossed defensively in front of her. This suggests that your warm greeting is genuine and you have no secret agenda or need to protect yourself, she says.”
To increase the chances that a stranger will see you as a potential ally, Sue suggests.
· “Avoid hunching over to stare into your phone before meeting others.
· Keep your elbow at your side when shaking hands, drawing the other person closer than arm’s length.
· Lean forward and focus intently on the other person when he or she is speaking.
· Stand erect with shoulders squared, balancing your weight evenly.
· Smile in response to what others say or do, rather than grinning nonstop.
· Remain mindful of what others are thinking and feeling.”
1The Mistakes You Make in a Meeting’s First Milliseconds by Sue Shellenbarger. January 30, 2018 Wall Street Journal