1st Contact to Contract 30-Year journey from practitioner to innovator discover the easy way integrate your success stories from a brook to a stream

1st Contact to Contract 30-Year journey from practitioner to innovator discover the easy way integrate your success stories from a brook to a stream

The Experience of a practitioner not a practiser

  • automation

  • machine learning

  • now AI

A different perspective and a little hope

Imagine a world where AI is not just a

tool, but an extension of your own


That's the essence of my three-decade

journey in the IT sector I didn't just

repeat a year 36 times

I carved out 12 distinct chapters, each

with its own story

Generative Artificial Intelligence

for us normal folks A.I.

1. The "Real Real" Power is ...

It's not about simple prompts;

it's about crafting a narrative.

Like a sculptor

I chisel away the "not needed", revealing

the masterpiece within the block of an idea

To create a repeatable end result

that solves a real problem

Create stories for tech business owners

that scare off the 'bad fits' attract "the good"

turn first contacts to into interested

contracts making them smooth and fast

Allow everyone to share those as part of their

words with the world that makes them known

In their market or niche

But let's get back to it

I'm sure, you've encountered

human bias, right?

We use them as

shortcuts to efficiency

So if simple is not the

answer what is useful?

Infusing the equal of our

good shortcuts into AI

That's where true magic

happens or adding frameworks

And that is what I've been using now

for over two years

But up until a few weeks ago it all had

no easy guardrails for smaller

businesses that's changed

2. Everybody can create a perfect simple prompt just ask GPT to create you one

Its not difficult but Frameworks

Make almost all other prompts

into "house dust" they exist

but they're a by product of use


  • simple to intermediate

  • prompts become almost irrelevant

See 7. Prompt Builder Prompt to take care of those


That easy to use prompt will allow you to:

Get any answer to any question you may have about tech or life like a custom made dress or suit

Picture this: a library of tailored AI frameworks

as unique as a fingerprint

  • It's not just about answers
  • it's about forging a path uniquely yours

I admit, my first attempt at building an AI framework

was like a toddler's nappies

– it stank like, well you get the idea

And as clumsy as a baby learning to walk

but it was a crucial start

Build your own customised library of your own framework prompts
based on your unique knowledge and skillset in tech
Forget hours of searching for the 'perfect prompt'. My approach is treat it like a beacon, cutting through the wonderful fog of complexity - hours - days or weeks of your life saved

2. Now that makes that library unique to You!

I will say it again if you missed it

Now that makes that library unique to

You, Your Business, Your teams!

Your Intellectual Property

I beg you if you don't read another word in this post

Read the last 5 lines again

What sets a business apart?

It's the people and their frameworks

It's about crafting a narrative that

resonates with the human spirit

And who builds the frameworks for a business?

They do right?

And what makes a business unique its people

Your people, your buyers, human beings

3. New - Data Vaulted Chat GPT Subscriptions from OpenAI Just Arrived

admin console
Inputs are private to you

Picture a private AI subscription. Your data, your rules. It's like having a secret advisor, available 24/7

4. What Problem(s) does this practically solve ?

Currently you are:

5. So how do I fix that?

Your journey as a tech founder, owner or SME

has I'm sure you have plenty of tales of triumph

and traumatic, tribulations on your way

So, share some of those stories; let them be

your beacon don't get lost in the fog


  • Did you conquer a challenge?

  • Share that victory. Stumbled along the way? That's a lesson, not a failure.

  • Every experience is a thread in the tapestry of your business narrative

Here's a few other suggestions

→ Did you win?

→ Got a new offer?

→ Did you lose?

→ A New Discovery?

→ Applied skills?

→ Team Win?

→ Team Discovery?

→ Team Story?

→ Transformation?

→ Built a service?

→ Built a product?

→ Fixed a service?

→ Fixed a product?

→ Learned a lesson?

→ Did you mess up?

(long past to be safe)

→ Solved a hard problem?

→ Helped a core customer?

→ Building a core product?

6. Don't have the skills yet But want to start?

Use my Master StoryText Writer shared GPT

  • It's not just about constructing sentences
  • it's about building your worlds on social

in print whereever you make something

know about your "golden baby business"

Practical application of 8 direct

marketing books by Dan Kennedy

A world famous Author in text written

comms for for small(er) businesses

that earn businesses money

link to Chat GPT Master StoryText Writer

How it works:

Drop your basic story into chat outputs a frame-worked story
We know stories are human algorithms to help us make sense of our world - Once upon a .....sort of thing

7. How can I start, now, even easier than that?

Use this template:

  1. This happened
  2. But Therefore this happened
  3. Therefore this happened <insert a challenge or insight>
  4. But this happened, therefore that occurred
  5. This was the transformational result

Try it

The structure counts not the exact words but cut and paste
at the start to see it and use it


Get Help its free for now

  1. Ideate Master StoryText Writer
  2. Master Meme Maker for memes your stories
  3. Learn your team learn Master StoryText Score

8. Resources

Prompt Builder Prompt - Create your prompt using text below

I want you Chat-GPT to become my prompt engineer. 

Your goal is to help me craft the best possible prompt for my needs. 
The prompt will be used by you, chat GPT, you will follow the following process.

1. Your first response will be to ask me what the prompt should be about, I will provide my answer, but we will need to improve it through continual iterations by going through the next steps 
2. Based on my input, you will generate 2 sections 

a) Revised prompt (Provide your rewritten prompt. It should be clear, concise and easily understood by you.) 

b) Questions. Ask any relevant questions about what extra information is needed from me to improve the prompt) 

3. We will continue this iterative process with me providing extra information to you and you updating the prompt in the revised prompt section. Until I write “We are done”.

4. Then suggest anything else that you think I may have missed in a quick summary and then the whole prompt, we have built        


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