$1M or Your Health?
Jill Cruz, MS, CNS
?? Creating fabulous success for high-achieving women through HEALTH ?? We specialize in Health-Driven High-Performance| Founder WYN Wellness | Board-Certified Nutrition Specialist | ????♀? Avid yet relaxed hiker
If you had to choose between receiving $1M or having excellent health, which would you choose?
?? Let me take it up a notch. $1B or your health?
Which do you choose?
It might seem obvious that you would choose your health.
?But are you choosing money every day over your health?
Only you can answer that.
?? And life is not about extremes anyway.
It's more about a long and slow process defined by a huge pile of choices.
?? Life happens in the grey zones and change is usually gradual (until it isn't).
The question is, are you prioritizing your health in a significant way? OR are you regularly compromising your health in the name of your career or reputation?
1???As I see my aging father deal with very complex health challenges I can only think that health is the most important thing we can have.
What is your commitment to your health today?
?? What is one small action step you can take to give your body and mind the care they deserve?
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1 年This is a great and interesting urge, Jill Cruz, MS, CNS, Is quite obvious in our daily endeavors, that we have carelessly chosen the $1B. Our health should be the top of our priority right...? Thanks, Jill Cruz, MS, CNS I got incredible value..
I help creative experts and entrepreneurs design effective and engaging online courses using my research-based Course Design Formula?.
1 年This is brilliant as a definition of life, Jill Cruz, MS, CNS: "a long and slow process defined by a huge pile of choices." That's certainly how it can feel! And I agree, if we don't prioritize our health, all the other choices get taken away. Thanks for all your teachings about this!
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1 年I might be able to use that sum of money to help me create more time for my health, so it's a bit of a tricky question Jill Cruz, MS, CNS ??
Leaders: Unlock your company’s potential through a proven framework of problem-solving and innovation | Change Leader | Trainer | Executive Coach | Creator of ThinkUP Framework?
1 年Jill Cruz, MS, CNS I love this point "Life happens in the grey zones and change is usually gradual (until it isn't)." It so well epitomizes how we make change, step by step in our lives. And your questions are brilliant - "are you prioritizing your health in a significant way? OR are you regularly compromising your health in the name of your career or reputation? The answers to these questions are the difference that makes the difference. A great reminder to us all.