#1BzW campaign specifically welcomed by UK government!
Luke Douglas-Home CEnv
MD @ A Future without Rubbish CIC | Chartered Environmentalist
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle - One Bag Zero Waste!!" school pupils chant in this video; and that it is the message from Environment Minister Rebecca Pow as she welcomes our latest campaign, in this video.
We’re over the moon to have support from the government for this campaign, teaching young people about the importance of a circular economy.
Teaching school students about the circular economy (as at #AFutureWithoutRubbish we do) should be the 'norm' rather than the exception, she says. We are doing just that - who else is?
If you believe that this should be part of the national curriculum - help us! Get involved - at [email protected]
#1BzW is part-funded by City of Westminster and Queen's Park Community Council. And we have started this out of love for our beautiful world.
Check out our website for more details and get involved too https://buff.ly/39p279d?? Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra)
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