1.Beginning At The Beginning
Quentin Bennett
Copywriter (Freelance) | ??check out our LINKEDIN NEWSLETTER | ?????? | EMOTIONally VulnerABLE ABILITY
1.Beginning at the beginning like we never begun, being a human being seems harder than what it seems. Start living the dream flying close to the sun. Some will hold their position while others will move and listen.
Lately maybe might be likely.
I see what you see, and you see what I see.
If I tell a lie see if my nose grows slightly.
Am I a real boy? or I just think that I might be?
I might be strung too tightly.
It’s hard taking breaths
during this COVID-19
My anxiety,
really got me
thinking thoughts inside of me.
I’m really hoping probably
you’re feeling me
but honestly,
I do not have the luxury
to keep it concealed.
When the future becomes the past
the present will be revealed.
Who’s living in a world
where the future isn’t a promise?
When any and all among us
can make a future beyond us!
The wolf is coming they warned us,
We Ready!