19th Edition - Giving thanks
Thomas Mullinnix
Founder of R-VMC; providing outsourced and co-sourced internal audit and SOX support since 2018. Experienced consultants, lower cost, better support. [email protected] or 936-494-5135
This week's IAStream newsletter isn't an update, but a "thanks".
When I tossed around the idea of creating this software I was met with very positive support. Since then over 20 different Chief Audit Executives have contacted me to give their insights on what they would want (and not want) included in the software.
As of this morning, there are 440 subscribers to this newsletter, we have two who have verbally agreed to beta testing in early 2023, and many others who have requested demos as soon as it's ready.
I'm including links below in case you want to get more information or if you would like to provide your own feedback on what you want to see when IAStream launches. However, the point of this week's message is a simple "thank you". I hope everyone reading this has a smooth end to 2022 and a great start in 2023.
Personal note for job seekers
We're all aware of the headlines covering various companies announcing layoffs. If you, or someone you know, are looking for a new job (for whatever reason), feel free to reach out to me. I provide free advice covering resume reviews, LinkedIn profile reviews, job-seeking tips, and similar support. You also never know when I might be looking for a consultant and the project is a perfect fit for your skills.
The links
Want more info about IAStream? Click Here?
Want to give your own opinions on the perfect IA software? Click here and give us your thoughts
Want to learn more about Re-Vision Management Consulting, LLC ? Click here for our brief information packet.