1981 Video Throwback ...

So I likely saw this Nightline broadcast  live since I would watch it virtually every night …

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3H-Y-D3-j-M  … now, it’s truly a museum piece, that at least for me [being a tech guy], was really fun to watch.   It’s also a remarkable historical archive for 2 reasons: the appearance and words of a 26 year old Steve Jobs, and a complete unknown [to me] by the name of David Bernem.  Jobs was certainly a complex guy … I’ve heard the largest number of Steve Jobs Google hits bears his name alongside of a not so flattering description that starts with an A and has an H somewhere in the middle … Be that as it may, first and foremost, he was a beautiful genius and visionary - undeniably!  And this airing of Nightline may have been the first public evidence of that. His comment about ‘the computer’ being a 21st century bicycle (starts @ about 6:30 into the vid) might fall flat without listening to the observation that brought him there. So do listen to it all the way through, while keeping in mind that this was 1981 and Jobs was 26.    Also listen to Mr. Bernem. I hope he’s still around to reflect on his own words in light of the current challenges we face in 2018. He had the basic risks correct, but could have never foreseen the magnitude of the “data privacy” thing …

