198- The Holy Qur’an as an Avenue of Knowledge (Series: Inviting Reflections).
Prof Dr M Akram Chaudhary
Ex Vice Chancellor/Professor Emeritus, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan.
The five sense organs and the sixth extrasensory perception (ESP) are known as gates of knowledge, nevertheless, our sense organs do not yield comprehensive information about the external world. The question is why these sense perceptions do not impart complete knowledge of the external world? This conundrum can be explicated with an example: A tree insinuates to be very calm and quiet; whereas, its roots are constantly receiving sub-soil water; and, its leaves and branches continuously evaporate that water in the atmosphere. But our sense organs do not have the capacity to notice what is going on in the tree. Withal, a big aero plane when seen from a distance looks like a bird. Moreover, we cannot perceive any microscopic organisms whereas we come in contact with them in our daily life. Over and above, our sense organs do not help us in understanding any metaphysical entities or those which are not corporeal or material. In fact, our sense organs are exiguous and scanty, incapable of imparting full information regarding the external world. The solitary subtle source of aided knowledge is a revelation. In order to know the validity and authenticity of the information imparted by the Revelation, ‘Allama Iqbal suggests two tests: The Intellectual Test and The Pragmatic Test of the Revelation. (The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam, Chapter: Knowledge and Religious Experience, Lahore 1962, p.27). The fact is that we, on earth, have been bestowed with a tiny part of knowledge as claimed by the Almighty Lord:
."???????????????? ???? ???????? ? ???? ???????? ???? ?????? ?????? ????? ????????? ????? ????????? ?????? ???????? "
(O Muhammad! And they (non-believers) ask you about the Spirit/Soul. Say, "The Spirit belongs to the domain of my Lord, and you were given only a little knowledge). Surah Bani Isra’il, verse: 85
The Holy Qur’an is the only authentic source of knowledge apropos fore-going nations, pre-historic events, material and non-corporeal or metaphysical entities. In order to know the authenticity and validity of the information imparted by the Holy Qur’an, some verses of the Qur’an or parts thereof are very explicit for exposition. A plethora of information and knowledge imparted by the Holy Qur’an has been verified with the advancement of knowledge in contemporary times. For example, it is now known that the Flood of Noah (AS) was not a universal flood. Some of the adulterated revealed books had claimed this flood as universal. On the contrary, the Qur’anic account is very clear in this regard:
."???????????? ??????????? ?????? ??????????"
(Then the Deluge/Flood swept them (the people of Noah); for they were wrongdoers). Surah al-‘Ankabut, verse: 14
It is also enthralling to note that the geologists could not find any signs of prolonged submersion on our globe, which is postulated to have been hit by the universal flood. After the advent of Islam, except the golden era of Islam, unfortunately, the Holy Qur’an at all times been taken only as a Source of Grace---Barakah; and it has never been taken as an Avenue of Knowledge. In the following, we give just one verse in order to show that the contents given therein cannot be a brainchild or creation of any human being 1450 years before. Moreover, the information imparted in this verse was unknown to any civilization preceding the advent of Islam. The divine character of the Holy Qur’an can be understood from the verses about Cosmogenesis particularly the creation of the Universe; therefore, these verses should be considered carefully. For example, Allah says:
."???????? ???? ????????? ?????????? ????? ????????????? ??????????? ???????? ??????? ???????????????? ??????????? ???? ????????? ????? ?????? ????? ? ??????? ???????????"
(Do not the Unbelievers see that the heavens and the earth were joined together (as a single entity) and then We (Allāh) set them apart. We made from water every living thing. Will they not then believe (in Him)? Surah al-Anbiya’, verse: 30
In this verse, the Arabic word: ratqa’ : "????" is a keyword which means: one mass. This word is further clarified that in Islamic Fiqh (Jurisprudence) a virgin has also been named as "????" whose hymen is intact as one and single entity and not ruptured. It also implies that this “Single Entity”, when set asunder into two or more units, every separating unit will stay independent. The “Big Bang cosmological model of the universe” has affirmed in recent years that in the process of creating the heavens and the earth were conjoined as one entity in the beginning and then they were set apart. This theory, after having collected empirical pieces of evidence, further affirmed the Qur’anic statement about the cosmological acceleration and expansion of the universe. Regarding the other part of the verse: ??????????? ???? ???????? ????? ?????? ????? (We created every living thing with water); now we know that all living cells contain 70% water by weight.
More than eight hundred verses of the Qur’an or parts thereof, which deal with the natural phenomena and natural laws invite us for meditation and seeking guidance in order to understand our role on board of the earth and in understanding kingdom of the Almighty Lord. A big number of Qur’anic verses which deal with the natural phenomenon shows that the Muslims have always, in the last millennium and a half, been taking the Qur’an as a source of grace only rather than a source of knowledge. Had Muslims taken the Holy Qur’an as an avenue of knowledge also, today the fate of the world would have been different.
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