In 1970 He Was Offered A McDonalds Franchise

In 1970 He Was Offered A McDonalds Franchise

Way back in 1970, my father-in-law was offered an opportunity to buy a McDonalds franchise for $20,000 for the Buffalo, New York, area

 He talked to 3 of his brothers-in-law, all highly successful business men, and together they came to the conclusion that it wasn’t a smart investment.

 After all, families ate at home around the kitchen table every night…

 Moms had healthy snacks prepared at home for the kids after school events…

 And, let’s face it, people in 1970 weren’t rushing kids from one event to another, depending on fast food drive-throughs for their family’s nutrition…

 Yes, times were different. Slower paced. And definitely more time was spent at home than in the car.

 Bud, my-father-in-law, sometimes talked about the opportunity he just waved off without checking into it deeper and admitted to having regrets. But it was too late. The opportunity was gone.

 If he’d had done a little research based on more metropolitan areas than the rural community he lived in, he may have seen the potential…

 The promise…

 His life, the lives of his wife and children, and the generations to come, would have been changed forever! :)

 We often don’t see life-changing opportunities for what they are at the moment they are presented to us.

 We filter them through what we KNOW NOW and past experiences instead of being open to how wealth is created in today’s global economy.

 That’s why, when I heard about a way to earn passive income from a really good personal friend, Gloria, who is already SUPER SUCCESSFUL, I had to take a look…

I checked it out. I did my homework. I talked to others involved. And I jumped in with both feet because I believe this has the potential to increase our own personal wealth in a way that will make McDonalds look like a mom-and-pop shop.

 And that’s saying a lot. I know. So, I’m asking you to trust me and at least check it out.

 Go HERE to learn more about it so you can get a better idea on what it is, how it works, and what to do if you’d like more info.

 Let me be honest – you can be like my father-in-law and miss out on something because you didn’t see its potential and how things are changing in the world…

 Or you can be the person future generations point to and thank.

 Your future depends on what you do right now.

Watch it HERE. And get back to me with your questions, for details, etc...




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