1951 design trade in learning not pepper tea opium iron or arms? upd 1976 beyond carbon entrepreneurialrevolution.city


Tough EconomistDiary- help needed 1951 von neumann trained Economisst journalists to integrate 3rd editorial question to 1843 Economist for Royal Society transformation (gov 2 commonwealth pathways beyond Britannia rules slave trading ) founder James' end poverty, hunger goals 1,2: what goods will peoples unite wherever they get first access to 100+times more hi-tech every decade until computing's (6th engineering system) end game of little sister or big brother has lost or won?

1962 economistjapan.com - japan and south coastal belts begiing korea and taiwan welcomed as 5th geonomics lab of 100 times "moore" (law of expoential computational capacity of innovating silicon chips) -other 4 the valley of clara , palo alto joined by Corporate Town Mview early 21st C start of 3g; the swiss origin of cooeprative coms engine type 5 (ITU since 1865); the 2 post-war pretenders princeton-UNy-north east coast - eg mit yale ibm dec; and sby swest pribce-UNy--space trails and hopeful solution to neuman's 2nd legacy foirtire of clean enough enrgies for 8 billion beings to unite round

1972-1976 start of intergeration future surveys in the economist summarise in all system change EntrepreneurialRevolution xmas 1976- from 1984 - 2025 reporting including last book in genre: AIGames-2025 report final ed - choose an aiclub to join or form at Friends20.com or EconomistEnglish/net can english and code unite 999 other mother tongues in milnneilas sustainability gen games before 2030's done and nuclear dusted?


Beyind zer-sum World Trade mapping was topmost intel-search post-war2 (Smithian transparency across generations rising exponentials- as far as the 66% of people in asia were concerned borlaug (end rural hunger) and deming (best quality recirsive engineering) intel was what to linkin- for reasons which are a crying shame teh eu common ag policy ended borlaug intel being shared with former european colonies; I still dont really understand why us biggest engineering comanies hated deming - i guess big get bigger not good get better is a chalenge particularly as states fight lowest common denomimator protection games instead of uniting round humanity's leapfrogs and moonshots on earth- but as i say what happened from death of kennedy (the last presdident to fully value v neumann-einstein-turing) is beyond my paygrade- if anyine wants a free trabsfer of economistamerica.com please mail [email protected]

s became the core Q in the year my dad and The Economist spent with Von Neumann in UNYPrinceton 1951. Von Neumann asked can networks (Architecture Intel) multiply value in use (eg above zero sum games play) unlike consuming up things or addicting people warring over iron and carbon, or printing paper money to the whim of a politician instead of the surety of a gold standard.

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In 1985 I co-authored this 2025 report - could we humans prertain ourselves to design web 1 (eg 2000s web2 (2010s) web3 (2020s) to be smart unlike ever dumb rabbit hole tele ages had compounded from world war 2 in 1945 and in the much slower rehearsals of coms around the world that were mediated out of switzerland since 1865 (ITU)


In addition to the geopolitical and diversity reconcilitaions that multilaterals linked by UN NY needed to purpose- could intel mathematicians and energy scientists help improve how people's learning time is spent so that wherever GPS is of next girl is born she has fair chance to thrive

And in everyone's search for better ways to spend/commune action learning time so could public events move on from left/right arguments ( not that 2 wrongs can mediate a solution); we need public servants who have AI engineering as we flew through decades where Von Neumann suggested the number 1 economics scoop - what goods will peoples unite wherever they have first access to at aleast 100 times more decade?. Both economics and AI are maths designed. I know far more immoral economist than AI designers, but the point is its the human who steps into immorality or blinding media stupidity that destroys worldwide hi-trust connectivity for other humans. Here's a extract pof my dad's last article written end of 2008 had millennials been subprimed to decade of under investment

How to Avert A Great Depression Through the Hungry 2010s?

Answer, By Making All Banking Very Much Cheaper

This was Norman Macrae's last article written in December 2008

If banks in rich democracies had been truly competitive

institutions, at least one of them somewhere would have seized

the main opportunity created by the computer. This main

opportunity was to make all deposit-banking vastly cheaper than

ever before. By this cheapening it should make such banking

hugely more profitable. Then further competition would search

for the cheapest ways to guide all the world's saving into the

most profitable (or otherwise most desirable) forms of capital

investment, thus enriching all mankind.

Instead, during 2008 the total losses of banks in rich democracies

- in North America, West Europe and Japan - soared into trillions

of dollars. Fearful for their solvency, these banks virtually stopped

lending. The issuance of corporate bonds, commercial paper, and

many other financial products largely ceased. Hedge and

insurance firms also crashed. Mankind is thus threatened in the

2010s with its longest great depression since the hungry 1930s.

Why? The strange answer seems to be that other happy

consequences of modern technology promised to make this

cheapening even faster. Call centres in Bangalore vastly undercut

the middle class salaries of Midland bank clerk who until the

1950s expensively answered clients' questions in their branches

in the City of London. Cheap mobile phones kept village ladies in

once miserable Bangladesh as fully in touch with market prices as

is the chief research officer of the First National Bank of

Somewhere in California. His weekly salary is still 1000 times

greater than the previous annual earnings of that village lady. The

cost-effective way of running the old Midland or First National

then seemed to be to cut its total salary cost by something like

99%. This did not please Western welfare governments, or the

decent chief executives of the old Midland or First National bank.

Awaiting the sensation of a short sharp shock

From a cheap and chippy chopper on a big black block

- WS Gilbert in The Mikado - why it is uncomfortable to work in an

industry which needs 99% redundancies.

Western welfare governments have long preferred to run their

banks in high cost cartels, and even invented reasons why this

seems to be moral. Their deposit-banks have usually kept in cash

only 10% of the total amount deposited with them. If 11% of

depositors suddenly feared that their banks might go bust, this

could accelerate a run that would send them bust indeed.

Governments therefore thought that depositors would be less

fearful if they were assured that the banks were officially and

tightly regulated. Actually, this mainly meant that the banks had

to hire ever more expensive lawyers so as to escape any crippling

consequences from this regulation. The attached quote shows

that Samuel Pepys understood this fact of life in his Diaries of July

21, 1662.

I see it is impossible for the King to have things done so cheaply

as do other men

The decent bosses of the deposit banks felt that the best way of

avoiding sacking nine tenths of their staffs was by competing

with a very different sort of financing called merchant banking

whose earnings and bonuses were far more generous than those

given to their own staff. These merchant banks were of peculiarly

differing pedigree. In London, it was assumed that they could best

be run by families like Barings who had done the job for over 200

years. In the 1990s, Barings went totally bust because one of its

hired traders bet much of its money on a hunch that a bad

earthquake in Japan meant that the shares of Japanese banks and

insurance companies would become more profitable. In Zurich,

merchant banks felt it most moral to keep the accounts of their

depositors totally secret, especially if these accounts were being

used to defraud their own countries' tax authorities. In 2008 those


secretive banks were then defrauded. In Wall Street, Goldman

Sachs and Lehman Bros bid up their annual bonuses to millions of

dollars for each partner. In 2008 even Goldman Sachs made a loss

and Lehman Bros went bust.

A former chairman of the Federal Reserve argues that "fearful

investors clearly require a far larger capital cushion to lend

unsecured to any financial intermediary now". He therefore thinks

that taxpayers money should be ladled into them to make those

investors less fearful. This seems far more likely to make

depositors intermittently more terrified and cause any depression

into the 2010s to linger on and on.

In the 1930s, the chief economic adviser to the government of

Siam was called Prince Damrong. I try always to remember it

- quote from former director of International Monetary Fund.

One of the few big banks to make a profit in 2008 was the

Grameen Bank (which means Village Bank) in that once basketcase

country called Bangladesh.

Chris AI Macrae MA DAMTP Cantab

2025report.com year 75 Neumann: are U intelligence/Igontance linker?,

1 年

www.economistlearning.com www.friends20.com yes von neumann asked his alumni to focus on 5 legacies- 1 regarding economic models which he wanted www.aiverygood.com and www.humansai.com to replace in time for millennials as first sdg gen - mapping win-wins; life critical learning webs being most obvious case- sdg solution knowhow multiplies value in exchanges between communities unlike consuming up things - tell me if you are a friends20- the more diverse www.aigames.solar www.bard.solar the better from a diaspora scot (nationless as far a eu/un concerned - 80% make livings worldwide not out of scot's lab hauntingly beautiful as it was before climate crisis [email protected] also for english speakers who see coding and english as epicentral in 1001 LLM - www.economistenglish.net www.worldclassllm.com



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