A 1942D Penny
The strong northwest wind was back at it again today, and luckily I didn't have to be out in it any more than I had to. Whenever the average temps change so abruptly, most of us require some time for our bodies to adjust to the cold, and unfortunately, these are the weeks when we more easily catch a cold or the flu, and only because we allowed ourselves to get overly-chilled. From what I've been reading, the temps should be back up in the 50's towards the end of this week.
My early arrival at office, prompted me to get my new listing over at 1859 Springview Drive posted out into the cyber universe, and wouldn't you know, there's already a showing scheduled for it tomorrow. I was kinda hoping for more calls on it, but that's all it takes is one legitimate buyer to get it purchased.
Once that listing was posted, I began busying myself with end of the month bill-paying and accounting, along with getting some additional unwanted mailings and printouts sent to the trash bin. It becomes rather tiresome with all the vendors sending out unwanted mailings, and to this day, I still don't understand where some of those companies are getting my office mailing address, because almost all of them are either out of town or out of State.
I purposely went downstairs to do some cleaning an re-arranging, and while there, I noticed the many black walnuts I had laid-out on cardboard, had finally dried to the point where I was able to place them in open storage crates, just so they'd be able to dry even-more before I start cracking them around mid-December. I started too early last year, which made it all the harder to get those shells cracked, so this time around, I'll be waiting for their shells to be more dried-out.
While I was organizing things in my office basement, I was again reminded how much nicer it is compared to other 1800's commercial building's basements I've walked down into over the years, and let me tell you, there are some really creepy ones in this city. I was told a number of years ago, that it had a separate use by a group of men who'd gather together down there once or twice a week. I'm sure if our old commercial buildings could talk, there'd be many hair-raising stories to be told. Once I had my office basement looking presentable, I headed back upstairs to get all the music pulled for this coming Sunday's Services over at St. Paul Lutheran. After having them all organized, I sat down at piano and ran thru them, and luckily there's not one I'll be expecting any problems with, so it should end up being a cake-walk for me.
Later this afternoon, an offer was emailed to me from another agent on one of my listings, so I printed it out and called my seller, so as of now, we're too close in numbers to not see it come together, but of course the more time that's wasted with negotiations, there's more of an opportunity for it to go sideways. Oh well, if it happens, it happens.
One of my visitors today happened to be someone I've known for a very many years, and somehow we ended up on the subject of something a 'reli' of mine did to me late last year, so I proceeded to tell my visitor that there've been several positive things that've come out of it, and one of them being, I'll nevermore have to listen to the belly-achings coming out of that wretched individual's pie hole. After my drop-in left, I realized it was likely the first time I've ever been completely resolute about it all. Yes, the door is closed, bolted, and fully sealed, just so life can now continue moving forward without any further hesitation.
A friend of mine sent me video today which contained an interview with a widely known economists who's written a number of books regarding the direction our world is moving, and I dare say, his words struck a chord in me which ended up being a confirmation of my core beliefs as to where we'll likely end up in the next decade or two. When we have multi-billion dollar companies like Apple, Amazon, Microsoft and Google who're making billions upon billions of dollars every year and not paying once cent in taxes, we're allowing them to become the only games in town to where they will be putting even more companies out of business because they can't compete with those corporate monoliths, and if you do manage to stay in business, you're forced to pay and play by their rules or you're out. Even in real estate, we have the likes of Zillow who's charging Realtors big bucks, just so they can 'feed' prospective buyers to them, which I hope I'll never have to subscribe to, and only because in my book, it's a form of deception where they're getting our home-buying public duped into believing they're being contacted by the listing agents. Shame on them!
Oh my goodness! I can't believe I was handed back change today at a groceteria, and just before I put it in my pocket, I noticed a wheat penny, and when I got in my vehicle, I looked at it more closely, and to my surprise, it was a 1942D penny. Now if that's not something to write home about, because one can't imagine what that penny's been up to over these 81+ years. I'll have to add it to my growing collection of 'wheats'.
While driving home, I began thinking about how much our country/world has changed since 1942. Just imagine, there were no televisions, no cell phones, no internet, no drive-thru's, no social medias, no corporate farmers, no big box stores, no forever chemicals, and the list goes on and on. Yes, life may have been a little harder, but far more simple to where you didn't feel like you were socio-economically chained to our corporate giants for the rest of your life. Yes, there were more opportunities back then, than there are now, and all thanks to today's unbridled corporate greed.
Tonight's One-liner is: The superior man blames himself, whereas the inferior man, blames others.
original post ... https://niowarealty.net/life/2023/10/31/a-1942d-penny/