19.00 Kempton Ratings
19.00 Kempton Ratings
106, Arimis Grey
103, Strike Red
100, Apollo One
100, Tolstoy
90, Tiger Crusade
88, Treacherous
87, Tyger Bay
65, Tomouth
63, King Of Tonga
60, Aberama Gold
59, Emperor Spirit
Form Guide
Strike Red 42%+£15 on the all-weather, 1st at York on gd/sft class 2 off 92 up 5lbs today. e/w
Arimis Grey 25%+£2 1st over 6f class 4 Chelmsford off 2lbs lower, win save
Appollo One 3rd Class 2 at Chelmsford off 1lb higher, win saver?
Tolstoy 50% +£3 on the all-weather, 1st off the same mark at Chelmsford Class 2 6f, down in class , e/w outsider.
Jumps information on racingprofiler.com