Not to be mistaken with a total dick or someone who just doesn't like you, a devil's advocate pretends to be against your idea to stress test your concept, making your plan risk-reduced from all angles. Devil's advocate, it can be someone, it can be you.
Know the difference between a devil and a devil's advocate. The first, you want to stay away from, and the second, you must incorporate into your group. Don't get pissed if someone tests your idea; the moment you set aside your ego and let logic work, there could be value.
It's human nature to be with people that agree with us, those who wouldn't hurt our feelings. Yes-men are good when you want order, but if you want to be creative and innovative, sometimes a “NO” can make you think inductively In a group there must be a NO-man
And you have to appreciate that person's presence, provided they do it respectfully and professionally. The label connotes something evil, but at the end of the day, that person only wants to ensure the group's safety. You need someone to test your knowledge and emotions.
Without that person, I would have easily seen the world as flat and only revolved around me. Without that person, I would have been naive about scammers and cons. That person was the first I learned empathy and patience. That can be someone; that can be you.