1867 $1 BRASS- Proof Pattern Dollar, J- 593, Pollock-657, R7+ PCGS PR63
Gregory Hannigan
CEO/ Founder at Coin Cube Trading, LLC/ ACC&E and Coincubetrading.com
1867 Brass Seated Dollar
Judd-593, PR63
1867 $1 Dollar, Judd-593, Pollock-657, High R.7, PR63 PCGS. The obverse and reverse are struck from the regular issue dies for the 1867 Seated dollar, in brass with a reeded edge. According to USPatterns.com, about a half-dozen examples are known in brass. The issue began appearing in auction catalogs in the 19th century in such offerings as lot 204 of the Woodside Collection (New York Coin & Stamp, 4/1892): "1867 Dollar: regular type: brass: proof: exceedingly rare."