1825 days...

1825 days...

Today is my 1,825 day in the United States. Five years ago, my mom and I left the country due to political instability.

The left picture (please go and check my LinkedIn post for better understanding) with my dad next to me. I have been picturing and remembering this exact moment for over five years without seeing my dad. However, life demonstrated me that in order for you to be happy and achieve your dreams, you have to sacrifice and work so much in return.

Mom, I adore you and I can’t express enough how honored I am to be your son. You are the truly change maker here. You have shown me what it is to make everything out of nothing.

Thank you for showing me the most beautiful asset that a person can ever have in life: Hope and gratefulness. Thank you for telling me to never give up and for trusting me when I certainly did not know what I was doing.

? October 26, 2016: The day where life gave me the privilege of losing everything to realize what it is to have everything.

? October 26, 2021: Five years later, after nights without sleeping, countless of midnight shifts at McDonald’s, and not having a place to call home for over two years, I am honored and grateful to be working at Capitol Hill at the most competitive think tank in the United States.

Because of this:

a) Never give up. Work for you to have a dream lifestyle, don’t dream about having an average work-life.

b) Believe in yourself. Have that audacity to ask questions and connect. Don’t be afraid of who you are and where you come from.

c) None of this could be possible without my mom, my family, my mentors, and obviously, without the tireless and countless hours of work and effort.

Because of this:

I strongly believe based on my own experiences, that the American Dream exist if you work for it instead of dreaming about it.

“The American Dream is about breaking points. Just wake up and keep going”

- Luis M.


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