181 Days Left & Counting...
I hope that you are preparing for a wonderful Independence Day! There are so many reasons to love this holiday: the food and fun, the fireworks, the upcoming 4 day weekend for most, the list could go on forever. I personally enjoy the time away from the hustle and bustle of the typical work schedule. While I thoroughly appreciate the opportunity to spend time with loved ones, I also use this day off to reflect on how things have unfolded so far this year. I urge you to take a moment to do the same.
? What were some of the goals/objectives you set for yourself at the beginning of the year?
? How many of them have you made progress towards?
? How close are you to finishing what you started?
? When do you plan on getting “back on track”?
Well, we have just crossed the midpoint of 2024. So we still have ~ 181 Days left to Get our -ish together and Get Sh*t Done this summer, and throughout the remainder of 2024! So, regardless if your 2024 has been super-successful or a struggle, the good news is - It Ain't Over yet, so we have time to re-calibrate, re-align and go kick some a$$ if you're willing to COMMIT!
I recently gave?a super-powerful Empowerment Exchange? presentation session for an executive team focused on: connectivity, change, communication and commitment. And, I encouraged them to consider the following three vitally important questions as we blaze into the 3rd quarter and I implore you to do the same:
1. What do YOU?want?
2. Why do?YOU?want it?
3. What actions do?YOU?need to take to get it?
As an Elite Executive, Peak Performance & Business Results Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Lifestyle & Procrastination Expert, it is my duty to remind you that as you prepare to indulge on the extra hotdog, you set a goal of losing?20 lbs. this year. Or perhaps while you are looking forward to enjoying a day of lasciviousness, Netflix binging, video games or your vice of choice, you forgot that you had ambitions of starting a side business at the start of the year.
So, What happened?
Did you take your eyes off the prize?
Were you among the overwhelming majority, 95% of the population to be exact, who have already failed their resolutions? Don’t worry! It’s not too late! There’s still time to get things in gear and Get Sh*t Done!
So if I may,? please allow me to give you a quick roadmap to get back on track and Rebound better than ever, and it all comes down to one simple thing- FOCUS!! It has been said that the condition of your life is evidence of what you are focusing on.
For instance, if you are overwhelmed, you lack focus. If you are feeling inadequate, you are focusing on your shortcomings. If you are focusing on your strengths, you can become a champion.??
Focus is powerful. Whatever you focus on is where your energy goes. Where FOCUS goes energy flows... So, Here are 3 tips to help you utilize the power of focus in your life:
1. Get a crystal clear target. Create a clear, compelling vision of what you want. Baseball great Yogi Berra said, "If you don’t know where you are going, you will end up someplace else."?So, get in tune with your self, ask yourself, “Where am I right now? What do I really want? Where do I want to be? Why is this important to me? How will I feel once I get there?”
2. Develop a strategic success formula. Click in to your inner strengths. Remember back to a time when you achieved a goal that you are really proud of. Write down what you wanted, why you wanted it, what you believed about yourself regarding this goal, and what you did to get results. This is your personal success formula. Next, look around you to model someone who is already successful in this area to find the steps you need to take for this new goal. Finally, add your own unique twist. As Tony Robbins says, “Stand on the shoulder of other giants; it is not necessary to re-invent the wheel.”
3. Resolve inner conflicts. The biggest battle you have is the one going on between your own ears. Even if you are clear on what you want and you know the steps and have the tools to make it happen, inner conflicts can pull you out of alignment and every step seems harder than it needs to be. My amazing mentor Tony Robbins says that 80% of success is psychology, 20% is strategy/mechanics. Focus requires dealing with your own psychology by resolving beliefs, habits and attitudes that get in your way of success.?
So if you are ready to reFOUCS and finish out the second half of 2024 with a bang. I implore you to invest in you- get a Coach, join a Mastermind, read a book, get an accountability partner etc.?
Now I am aware that this sounds so much easier than it is in practice, and if you could do it alone, wouldn't it already be done?
I'm officially opening up a few executive coaching slots so if you're serious about either changing the direction of your 2024 or looking to build on your success and finish 2024 stronger than ever- I'm at your service! I am providing a complimentary one-on-one strategy session next week only (July 8-12) and we will explore potential options where I may be able to be of?assistance to you and your personal, career, business, financial, health & wellness, relationship, and life goals/plans, etc.
Never forget: if nothing changes, nothing changes... And we cannot complain about what we tolerate so- it's up to you to define your own destiny!?
Yours in Service!!!?
~ Chris Cooper
#leadership #coaching #business #goals #midyearcheckin #excellence #nextlevel #rebound