18-Year Anniversary
Wayne Herring
Business Coach @ Business Builder Camp | Sales, Marketing, Leadership, Intentional Living
- Today is Monday August 10. (I write these on Monday and we have a process to get them posted and out there on Sunday).
Katherine and I have been married 18 years as of today.
Wedding anniversaries, birthdays, my sobriety anniversary, and work/business anniversaries are days to spend at least 15-30 minutes in reflection and review.
Some anniversaries can cause me to be in a high emotional state - good or bad or usually some cocktail of good and bad.
Today is no different.
So - what to do ... I went to Starbucks and then sat on the abutment of the Scotland Bridge over the York River (we are visiting our family in Maine).
I just sat and attempted to be empty and open.
Then I returned to my in-law's home and got out my trusty leather journal.
I proceeded to write out what has happened from that day... in highlight form... jobs we've had, homes we've lived in, businesses we have started and/or sold (in the case of my father's business that I worked in), milestones including 2 epic vacations and the other thing that came up today was my daughter's illness and hospitalization and the progress she's made.
It's my story and my memories and today I focused on the good and what Katherine and I have created TOGETHER. I glossed over the feelings of loneliness and hurt that have been present at times, the failures or setbacks, the troubles and times at the counselor. I wasn't being Rose-Colored-Glasses... I just wanted to write about good stuff. Generally as I retell my story or think on it...this is what happens... the good stuff is what I bring to mind. That makes me feel good right now and generally motivates me to be who I want to be just for today.
Journaling and reflection are such important habits for me.
I'd love to share it with you. Part of our Business Builder Camp journey is journaling and reflecting. All of our programs are designed to help you build a business and life that matter. They include a leather journal as part of the "what you get."
See the PS below for info on our programs. We have 2 groups right now in our mastermind.... the mastermind is group coaching, group accountability, and group problem solving. You also get all my best thinking and research into how to grow your business, how to grow your life, and how to have moments of true happiness and contentment.
The groups with current availability are:
1st and 3rd Wednesday from 2:30-4:00 pm eastern US
1st and 3rd Thursday from 8:30-10:00 AM - eastern US
There is a lot more to CAMP than just the meeting times, but those logistics are important.
AFTER I wrote a bit on what has happened... the good stuff... I wrote down more about intention and how to love my life. This is what I wrote, it isn't necessarily "right" or "wrong" or what you should do, it's just my truth and what is present right now. Note that it is important to me to be clear on what I want and what successful living looks like in the moment. I want you to help me, be with me, and keep me on track.
I am still in a season of settling in.... slowing down in the moment yet still building and growing and pushing in the big picture.
This is my work and these are my projects:
- Support Katherine and my children emotionally and physically and spiritually - BE THERE
- Support my family with $. Save. Create STABILITY - my wife creates and lives best from stability
- Grow in my work through coaches and the mastermind group I am in. Don't keep my professional growth from my wife, but don't depend on her to listen.
- Travel and do some adventure on my own - with friends, clients, and my group. Physical fitness to support this.
- Do inner work, meditation, yoga, spirituality to KEEP MY SHIT TOGETHER and to see the beauty and to let happiness in.
==> Katherine's Love languages are Acts of Service and Shared Experiences
When she came down this morning I gave her a hug.... she actually isn't a huge hugger but I can see when it is needed. We talked about what we will do together to celebrate our anniversary today. We decided to go for a ride together to the cottage community and do some dreaming and feel it out. I did not get her a gift or a card. Her love language is NOT gifts... and in fact she sort of recoils when gifts are given. Shared experiences are the #1 thing for her and if we are able to get a cottage that is an act of service. (Have you done the love languages test, here is the link if you want to check it out.)
CLICK HERE FOR THE ONLINE LOVE LANGUAGES TEST - you and your significant other should both do it and read each others and read them together.
Ok... so .... I screw up a lot with my wife. I'm not acting like I got it all together... far from it....but so far this anniversary day has gone pretty well.
Journal.... journal about the good stuff..... write your story and go ahead and gloss over the negative times (don't forget them if you were responsible but forgive yourself).... write from gratitude.... it makes all the difference.
PS--Here is how we can help.
Join BaseCamp - it is only $99/month and you get the Journal 3 x per year plus lots more
BBCamp Mastermind - 2 groups forming and jumping off in September
1:1 Coaching and be in My Camp - start with a conversation
Go get 'em man!