18 Reasons to use Twitter in 2019
Samantha Kelly
Linkedin Audio and Brand amplification consultant. I'll get you noticed. Connector of dots, Speaker, ?? and Linkedin, Nice People Collector, Brand Ambassador for Virgin media business #Backingbusiness community
Twitter is an amazing B to B platform. I'm always saying it, but I often get 'ah I don't do twitter' ...well here are 15 reasons why you should be using Twitter for your Business.
1.It’s FREE to use.
2. You can find your audience easily using search and by having conversations with like minded people so your potential customers are at your fingertips
3. You can share your passion and create a loyal following of people who are passionate about the same thing.
4. Drive traffic to your site - Twitter is a fantastic driver of traffic especially if you have a 'buy now' or 'order now' button (I sell the majority of tickets for my workshops and events through Twitter. Here is an example of traffic that came to a crowdfunding campaign from Twitter.
5. An added bonus is the SEO benefit - The more active you are the easier you will be found.
6. Keep an eye on your competition - It's handy to know that if you want to watch what they are doing they won't know about it as they won't get 'someone is looking at your profile' like you do on Linkedin!
7. Customer service - Twitter is a fantastic customer service tool. Your customers are at your fingertips and outsiders looking on can see you dealing with customers efficiently and promptly.
8. Reputation management - You can shine with how you treat others ....people are watching!
9. Most small business owners are there too as they use it for the same reason you are using it
10. 78% of respondents on a survey by Twitter said they are more likely to recommend a business who they have engaged with on Twitter
11. 86% of respondents say they are more likely to buy from a business that a friend has recommended on Twitter.
12. Social media gives ‘normal’ people like us a piece of the pie.
13. You can reach and engage with people you probably never would have got the chance to chat with before. E.g. Famous people.
14. You have FREE access to Twitter analytics to measure your success - Just go to your profile and click 'analytics' and you will find a LOAD of information there.
You can see which tweets were the most popular and got the most engagement and even look into who your audience are.
15. You can use Twitter live which is becoming really popular. Justin Caffrey used it to broadcast from the sea last week...and now over 900 people know who Justin is ...and they didn't know him last week
17. Hashtags can help others find you who probably didn't know who you were before. I often search for things using hashtags. e.g. #Hotels #Galway
18. It's easy to use. If you don't think it's easy to use and you don't know how to use it effectively then come to my Twitter and Linkedin workshop on the 13th of February in Dublin. Book your tickets here
If you want a one to one session with me you can email me [email protected] and book some #Twittermagic lessons. I look forward to seeing you on Twitter.
Source of stats: Twitter marketing