18 Miles High: A Medical Miracle or a Silly Gimik?

18 Miles High: A Medical Miracle or a Silly Gimik?

Dear Mate,?

Do not read further, because this article will challenge your mindset.?

Marijuana, one of the most controversial topics.

Although its origins are historic, it divides people into 2 groups:?

  • Either you are a smoker and you want it to be legalized, or
  • You believe it is just another drug that should be banned completely.?

Caution: Again, I am warning you not to read further, because you won't get what you are looking for!

This is the last time I am asking you to quit reading because this article is only for the brave heart and the research will do your mindset shift!?

If you consider yourself one? let's hop in with me.?

If you are updated with the latest news and I am sure you are, then you must have heard about the Petition being signed for Marijuana legalization.?

Now, close your eyes for a moment and Imagine…?

In the next 2 years, India Legalises Marijuana!?

You are doing anything you wish to do with it...

Many are using it medicinally and the major other just for fun.?

where you can grow it and sell it to other countries for profit.?

I mean if it is legalized...and it is a magical plant then why not take full advantage of it? right??

but yes, only imagine…?

Because before coming to the naked truth on the potential legalization of Marijuana, ?

Let’s peel the deeper layer of what it really is and why some like it and others are completely against it??and on what grounds govt can legalize it.

What is marijuana??

  • One of the oldest psychoactive substances known and used by humans.
  • Research shows, the oldest evidence of marijuana goes back to ancient Mesopotamia i.e 8th century B.C.

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Arthaved [The ancient book of magical formulas] mentions Cannabis as an anxiety reducer. Some texts even support the claim it was given to people for medical purposes?

  • Has been used for high as well as Medicinal purposes for 1000’s years: In fact, in the 19th century it was openly available.?

What gives you high??

It has a substance called cannabinoids.

Surprisingly your body also has Cannabinoids located at multiple organs as well.?

these cannabinoids control systems such as cognition, pain, memory, sleep, immune function, etc.?

Now, the principal Cannabinoids in plants are:?

  • THC (responsible for the high)
  • CBD (Medically beneficial)
  • CBN (Not our concern)

3 most popular ways of consumption:?

  • Smoking
  • Eatables or pills
  • Vaporization

Out of three,?

smoking is the favorite amongst consumers.

Even historically,?

The most preferred way for enjoyment as well as Medical usage was smoking only.?

But the new research shows that smoking destroys 70% of CBD?

In conclusion, there is no way smoking can be used for medical purposes.?

When Marijuana is taken through eatables or pills It takes hours to reach the brain, hence Eatables is not considered as well

although it gives a slow trip so, some people prefer it.?

According to the research,

The best way is Vaporization because it prevents CBD from burning and getting destroyed and since it is same as smoking it reaches the brain quickly.?

3 types of plants:?

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The most important thing, why it is controversial??

Why do some people like it and some are totally against it??

Why do some want it to legalize whereas others want it to be a banned substance?

Because the medical properties are good but its psychoactive properties are soo high that it dominates the medical properties.?

Hence, Marijuana has always been in controversy as there has never been a middle ground for people.?

European Poets and Writers were responsible for the popularity of Marijuana??

18th Centuary Europe,

Marijuana was known to people but It gained massive popularity when some business owners started opening hashish Eaters club.

?It was dedicated to only people who eat Hashish [Hash/Charas]

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which attracted world-class poets and writers like Victor Hugo, Alexandre Dumas, Charles Baudelaire, Theophile Gautier, and many more.?

They visit Hashish clubs daily and talked about ideas and do whatever they liked.?

The concept is the same as coffee cafes today.?

These Poets and Writers were an integral part of European culture hence, whatever they did become a trend.?

The Golden Era of Marijuana…?

Marijuana giantly was in use before the 19th century.?

It is also called the Golden Era of Marijuana

Many people were smoking it and based on the same extensive medical research started.

Later part of the 19th century, Medical used started to decline as the research found out that it has medicinal value but it is narrow and the psychoactive part dominates it.?

Plus…It does not have the great medicinal properties that you might hear it has.?


It was declared as a drug in 1961 by the UN Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs

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stating “it does not have many benefits”.?

But in the last 25 years, when California in 96’ legalized medical usage, it started gaining popularity and the modern research shows some promising benefits.?

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Substances like hashish oil or honey oil started getting popular again as it has higher amounts of THC.?

So, the National Institute of Drug Abuse & Health has intervened stating it as a to be banned.?

As it is unsupervised and many cases have been reported to be in an emergency.?


As you know it is legalised in many countries and there has been petition and movements like “The Great Legalisation Movement” asking for Marijuana legalization in India,?

the real question arises… ?

Is it really possible?

To discover the Naked Truth, We first need to understand the high of Marijuana:?

For some, it is a pleasant experience but for many it is horrifying, It regulates anxiety attacks and the feeling of fear often regarded as Bad Trip or “ B T ”.?

Hospitals worldwide have reported, many people have witnessed Hallucinations, acute delusions, acute psychosis and there isn't any medical way to control it especially if quantity is not controlled.?

India is a country where the population is very high,

Where you can buy any sort of drug without prescription and countries that have legalized it has low population and strong regulation committees.?

Recent studies have concluded there are benefits but are very minor and are majorly proven to be helpful in cancer patients in chemotherapy, it reduces the pain.?

Whereas the research shows the risk factors to be very high

  • Dependence (13% are already dependent on it),
  • Heart attacts & strokes
  • Psychosis
  • Sudden increase in Neurological risk factors
  • Depression {earlier research suggested it cures but now, it is proven it will be worsen if taken for a long time}
  • Chronic bronchiatis
  • Szitzophenia etc,?

Ironically these side effects have not only been reported in who smoke up for fun but also who used it for medical purposes.?

A gateway drug??

It is called Cannabis use disorder,

It makes sudden changes in your brain which poke you to try new drugs.?

Release Dopamine [hormone released when you feel good] in very high amounts:?

these amounts are not as high as cocaine but are rapid hence, it makes you feel good and you gets addicted to it because your body demands more each time.?

If pregnant mothers smoke marijuana daily, it impairs brain developemnt in babies.?

short term side effetcts:?

  • Easy irritability?
  • Anger issues as brain is asking for dopamine kick
  • loss of interest in Activities
  • Less motivation?
  • Loss of appetite [It increases at first eventually it slows down]?
  • Weak immune system
  • Social impairements
  • Depressed mood swings
  • High rest to reward ratio
  • Decreased focus plus 100’s of more

Why can't be a success in India??

Countries that have legalized it are started to face repercussions plus their population is as large as cities in India.?

Hence, they have regulated it but still, they are recording high amounts of emergency cases on regular basis.?

It already has so many drawbacks.?

With a medical system with so many loop holes and such a high population, It seems not a viable option to legalise.?

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You might think why 100 yrs ago it was openly available?

We need to understand that time the population was very low and there was very less marketing.?

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Right now it is a banned substance, people are scared of getting caught still India ranks 3rd in global consumption.

What would happen if it is legalized with new generation marketing??

You might also think that if it is illegal then why bhang is openly available??

That is a fair question that comes to mind but it is due to the Narcotic Drug and Psychotrophic Substances Act of 1985 which bans every psychoactive drug but exludes bhang but beware it stated very strong clauses for it.?

(Bhang: Indian form of making eatables through Marijuana, considered as Lord Shiva smokes it, but it is nowhere mentioned in Shivpuran. although it states shiva is intoxicated later conclude that he is intoxicated due to Meditation. it also clarifies that he is not on any substance but rather he is the substance).?

Why there are places like Kasol where it is openly available??

Because according to the Narcotic Drug and Psychotropic Substances Act of 1985 possession or cultivation is illegal but excludes if it grows in wild.

Uttrakhand has been liscened to grow it as it is wildely grown there plus…

the last 70 years of research has concluded that Indian marijuana has the highest potency and soo valuable that is why foreigners come to India to use it.?

Right now, looking at the patterns, the only way it is allowed to be grown as it can yeild a humongous amount of profit if exported.?

The hot topic: possibly hotter than tabasco...

Marijuana vs Tobacco?

?It has been seen and regarded as a very common behavior that if you smoke up weed you will justify it and vice versa.?

Now, let's uncover the naked truth based on more than 50 years of research:?

You have heard Tobacco causes cancer. right??

Guess what every research on Marijuana has found that it contains 90% cancer causing substances also known as heavy metals. ?

Does only tobacco have tar??

Marijuana?has 3x tar as compared to Tobacco.

It elevates more because people smokes it with tobacco without a filter and many more I will just skip because it will get to technical or should I say too Biological??

I don't know, whatever it is,?

The final thing is both are harmful ( According to the research). ?



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