18 Lead Magnet Examples That You Can easily Use for your Business

18 Lead Magnet Examples That You Can easily Use for your Business

Real lead magnet examples are great if you are new to the content marketing world or want to extend your lead generation efforts. Therefore, I collected 18 types of lead magnet examples for you and each of them are different types of hooks. Get inspired for your next lead generation campaign and grow your email list!

What are “lead magnet” or “hooks”?

Free content that you offer to your visitors and ask for their contact information if they are interested in it. There are lots of types of hooks, such as ebooks, infographics or even free trials. This collection shows you 18 different types of lead magnet examples.

1. Email course

An email course can be a very good lead magnet. Teaching people highly specific and valuable knowledge is always a thing that makes people opt-in.

One of the best things about these courses is that it doesn’t need as much resource as you would need for a video course for example.

The Automizy email course, for example, teaches subscribers how to manage their email list in order to save money and always be able to send highly relevant messages.

Creating a good email course as a lead magnet works only if you truly can provide valuable information — a badly constructed course can easily ruin your company’s reputation!

There are courses with different length, we wrote about it in our email course guide.

2. Checklist

Downloadable checklists are great because these are actionable, teaches something that is highly specific and easily consumable.

What can you write a checklist about? About almost everything:

  • How to improve your SEO via backlinking?
  • How to outsource your contents to agencies?
  • How to do sales without selling actually?
  • How to do gardening in the inner city?

Think about your own industry, find 5–6 topics, write them down and create PDFs from these. Always think about lists that can be done step-by-step.

3. E-book

E-books are great because you can relatively easily create them based on your blog articles for example.

Choose a topic, collect your best-performing articles, connect them, add additional value, and done!

For example, Unbounce offers “The Conversion Marketer’s Guide to Landing Page Copywriting” ebook in order to collect emails.

Or Zapier offers a lead magnet on project management.

Or you can download an ebook on Product Management from Accompa too.

4. Your newsletter

Believe it or not but your newsletter can be a good lead generation tool for you. But you have to pay attention to send relevant, interesting, truly valuable content.

For example, The Hustle is a newsletter for entrepreneurs about the most recent tech news. Every June they organize an event around “Startup tactics for non-techies” and this is why they have their newsletter as their most important lead generation tools.

Best newsletters are great lead magnets because their value proposition is unique, entertaining and does not say that boring “subscribe to our newsletter” message.

5. Educational video

Educational videos can be used easily as lead magnets. Companies usually give the first lesson for “free” so you can watch without giving your email address. But in order to be able to watch the next ones, you have to provide your contact information.

Video is a good medium as it is quite engaging and also have higher possibility to go viral. On the other hand, it can be difficult to create one: you have to be prepared to create good quality videos.

But you can save time if you can repurpose your existing content. Just pick a topic you already wrote about and tell more about it, dig deeper.

Videos can work as a lead magnet even if they are not educational. It can be your opinion, something funny or interesting — it only depends on your industry.

For example, Brain Dean, the founder of Backlinko does it very well:

6. Webinar

Live, limited time webinars can work very well too for your business. As you restrict the number of people who can attend your online event, you create the VIP feeling that is one of the most catchy things.

A good webinar does not only help you generate more leads but it can easily help you get actual subscribers for your business’ email list.

For example, Content Marketing Institute regularly offers free webinars.

7. Infographics

Good infographics require a lot of work from you:

  1. Generate data
  2. Identify patterns
  3. Outline key takeaways
  4. Visualize data in an understandable, simple way

For example, Antavo created an astonishing infographic about loyalty programs that was republished by Hubspot.

8. Case study

What would you tell if somebody would ask what do you do? You would tell a story of your customer and how he used your product and what results he/she got.

These case studies give your prospects ideas on how to use your product and assure them that it truly works.

But not only successes are important. You can also tell stories about failures. This way you can teach others what not to do in different situations.

For example, Hootsuite created an amazing case study with their client’s achievements.

The Kissmetrics blog created a good guide on how to write a great case study.

Check out the 10 other examples like presentations, podcasts, interviews and so on.


