18. Hermes Barometer
Green is the new gold
If you want to shine as a logistics provider, you have to be sustainable on the road.
With clean engines, alternative drives and GPS transmitters on the swap body.
Today, it's not just investors and banks that are looking very closely at how clean balance sheets are in terms of sustainability.
Low CO2 emissions and compliance with ESG criteria have also become top evaluation criteria in tenders.
The importance of green logistics in Germany's third-largest industry is confirmed by the 18th Hermes Barometer.
Ecological responsibility and the use of digital technologies are currently among the key trends in supply chain management.
This view is held by around two-thirds of a total of 150 logistics managers at German companies in the regular survey on "Trends in Supply Chain Management".
Among companies with 250 to 1,000 employees, almost nine out of ten respondents (87 percent) confirm that compliance with the Supply Chain Act and other legal guidelines, as well as reducing CO2 emissions in the supply chain, are currently the focus of attention.
One thing is clear to me: there is no more playing around when it comes to green logistics.
This is also confirmed by the use of telematics in swap body management.
Almost 100 percent of the Seaco swap bodies that go to our customers are now equipped with GPS transmitters.
This means that the use and utilization of the boxes can be smartly controlled and optimized via real-time positioning.
This not only avoids empty kilometers and saves costs. At the end of the day, it also contributes to a brilliant environmental balance sheet.