18 Competencies for Disruptive Leaders and 27 Ways to Make Leap into Disruption
Subhashis Banerji
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Recently Google announced - that they have developed a new 54-qubit processor, named Sycamore- which computed in 200 seconds -that may take the world’s existing-fastest supercomputer 10,000 years to produce a similar output.
Does this sound like disruption – well if this speed works for everything else – it would actually be a straight leap from the Ice-age to the Space-age.
There would be breakthroughs, possibilities and solutions – that we might never have even read the fictions.
In the last two decades we have seen – massive changes – which changed the way we Live, we Eat, we Buy, we Sell, we Communicate, We Get-Married [find soul-mates], We Make-love, the Products we use, how we Compete in the world to survive and Use the newer ways to protect us from various threats etc. etc.
Many of the world's iconic products and globally-most-admired organizations no longer exists AND few cutting-age [considered at that time] products just vanished – you can find numerous examples.
As a business leader if you don't get into leading your organization and your people to proactively invent, reinvent and adopt changes [the processes, the products, your value-offerings, the technologies, the skills] - faster than the world, You won't survive for long.
Disruptive changes may seem – scary and too huge and maybe make us feel inadequate – as how would we could initiate or manage or sustain.
That is why This article is about how the meaningful-disruptions with long-term sustainable and horizon-transforming changes can be brought about through - disciplined, consistent, focused actions.
All the while we would be operating completely from within our area of control and influences.
We will just have to accept that the Disruptive innovations are no longer the rare exception – it has just become the every- day survival and growth imperative.
Almost all the industries and businesses through the last decade experienced dramatic changes in business models, distribution channels, government regulations, and market expectations.
As leaders, if we’re not proactively creating disruption, we’ll eventually need to respond to it – which in turn is MeToo reaction with very minimal chances of sustainable future of existence of your venture.
Volatility, Ambiguity, Uncertainty and Complexities have become the rules – as a leader you have to develop the mindset of enjoying these and maybe even look forward to them.
But the biggest hypocrisy that exists within our Business and others leaders that – even though they talk about creating a disruptive and learning organization – IN PRACTICE – they promote and reward the virtues of predictability which is the exact opposite of what characterizes the basics of disruption.
All the organizations and business those are considered disruptive and successful – operate on the principal of New problems demand new competencies and skills.
In other words – there are no simple way create a future successful organization based on the management-theories taught at the business-school s today.
The development, strengthening and building of human capabilities tuned to the future-skills* along with the essential organizational capabilities—resilience, innovation and employee engagement – are the minimum mandatory prerequisite.
We also need to understand that none of the disruptive businesses can be created as a formal, repeatable process.
In our current economic, political and mad-leadership world of turbulent environment - leading disruptive innovation more about best principles than best practices.
Few business schools, let alone organizations - prepare their leaders to live with and harness uncertainty, ambiguity, and even surprises to reinvent their organizations and industries.
18 competencies needed for the Disruptive Leadership
1. Disruptive innovation and change foremost needs disrupting our own assumptions about what is real leadership.
2. A mindset of defying gravity of the existing norms, beliefs [of what is possible and what is not]
3. Having an approach to be a Game-changer*
4. Courage of doing something radically new – which could be treated by others as even ridiculous
5. Pushing the boundaries and reinventing the solutions, processes, models - within seemingly impossible challenges
6. Ability to harness the amazing abilities if the Millennials as well as the Gen Z
7. Surrounding themselves with people – who challenge as well as come out with different possibilities
8. Ability to pivot – fast, by not clinging to what was their baby
9. Having a team with competent and diverse team members with diverse perspectives - for full read "Leaders How to Lead Disruptive Innovation" in Success Unlimited Mantra's Blog Section