

please join us at uNFT.win if you are a team , fan or natural force for one of the goals of sdgmetaverseprize.org SMVP- some cluse to the treasure map of the greatest prize- coordination of 19Xprizes including avatar1 2 winners networks announced nov 2022 month before reg deadline SMVP Germany Russia US 1 2 3 4

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Idea for GOUP began around 1999- its rumored at a millennium goals party in sdilcon valley:?Mrs Steve Jobs asked Fazle Abed why he hadnt shared bangladesh womens advances as worldwide actions- for 25 years he'd been solving women to women networking solutions to starvation and early death in villages ny microfranchising business that scaled hundreds of thousands of timees inside Bangaldesh; but it was true 3 years ago partners had started to bring villagers mobile and solar to entrepreneur with- how about starting a university - the poorest could share their solution;s the richest there; this would only work in abed's mind if GOUP's had next to no tuition fees, shared their alumni sustainability solutions for the poorest. The more we look in 2020s at world's most avancced leaps in rich and poorest nation the more partners of Abed's Goup are pivotal to Un2.0 and worldwide student celebrations like sdgmetaverseprize.org

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linkedin unwomens & abedmooc.com - did ny/nft make herstory week beginning June 20 ?

mission impossible since 1984; 1951 von neumann ai journalism hubs; 1758 scots and smithian morals of market platforms including idea that nations are a sustainable leading platform- -join in at [email protected] --i try to map sustainability's most urgent collaborations - have you heard of this one https://www.sdgmetaverseprize.org/ it could just be the most important way the class of 2022-23 connects with all united nations collaborations - my understand is that guterres is converging various forces out of nY his office https://www.un.org/techenvoy/sites/www.un.org.techenvoy/files/List_of_roundtables_key_constituents.pdf?https://www.un.org/techenvoy/content/ongoing-work out of geneva the ITU as well as industry responsibility for each next G-leap 5 years into maximising #aiforgood to support guterres and 50 operational branches of UN; 20 years into convening 3 months in every 12 dialogues on changes in information society worldwide; japan has become the biggest investor in the un 13 colleges and in AI research see eg Naixus which is co partnered by slovenia!; the metaverse competition is interesting and small young teams pick firstly a goal then how they can unite tech & human intel

special thanks to friends in flatiron ny and hong kong who helped me see what my 2 eyes alone never could....

quiz good1 what's the most exciting mint of of the day - can wait to see number 1 current of international day of women in democracy

quiz4 which nft will free every being as lifelong student and teacher

whats the most exciting year long educational prize ever- see exponenetial destiny.com

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?i am putting together small zoom clubs on each goal www.17sdgoods.com - eg 5 womens equality is extremely hot at the moment -interested in your take on this? south of the border future ofd democracy may depend on it?? but while I try and connect UN sdgs - most americans seem to have lost touch with UN- hope canada is different?!?

2025-1945 ask every system of government what intel is needed to unite peoples & nations, of humans and machines and earth’s sustainability of human species

Let’s assume that open mapping of the 17sdgoods.com is today’s defiining reponsibility (necessary but not sufficient) if we don’t want today’s millennials to be the first extinction generation.

What else can 8 billion human brains work with. From 1945 multilaterals of which the UN has the braodest if not the deepest investment responsibility were invented to integrate entrepreneurial/human development solutions. Fortunatley the UN was unique – located in switzerland’s the ITU was ?the digotal twin of New York’s UN debating chamber and worlldwide ops center.

During the UN’s infnace 0-6, 2 extraordinary leaps for humans emerged:

Alumni of Borlaug discovered ways to help the poorest rural vilages food suffiennt and potentially as productive for women as men -in economics jargon rural keynesiaism and valuing every next child born opportunity to develop life.

Matjematicains coordinated by Von Neumann promised the world 100 times more tech per decade from 1951. Von Neumann mentored Economist journalist to make this the maoin editorial question through the 4 decades that a newspare could help people mediate what futures advance the human lot across generations – see techforsdg.com. From 1983 a book 2025 report was published to timeline sustainability expoentials. Broadly speaking tech advances have followed engineering logics but human applications have not

Main engineering advances

50s From the UN’s first 6 years 1945-51

60s kennedy’s choice of 2 decade goals for 100 times more seemed exciting enough – moon race, race to remap interdependenc of all hemisphers , all peoples; its interesting that borderless infectious disease medics eg larry brilliant reported even in the most isolated afghan hils the buzz was that if man could lkand on the moon soon no mission would be impossible around mother earth. We should note that from 1964 satellite telecommunications emerged: something which the UN”s ITU ?got fiirst ?human development experimentation with, and as early as 1968 un conferences on space began in vienna which became the official un space epicentre in 1971 . Celebrating von neumanns legacy twin AI labs were thriving by 1962 – atlantic facing out of MIT Boston; Pacific facing out of Stanford. Within a decade the most networked 100 square miles on the planet had rebraded itself silicon valley

70s this was the first decade that engineers everywhere started accessing compuyters which transformed from one central machine room to mins; engineers could prototype design ; by 1972 elearning experiments were using telecoms to connect local rooms of terminlas to a central compouter that might be anywhere .

80s ?the 1980s was the decade of inventing personal computers ?and expereiments on n=how to network them

90s webs of personal computing change everything wherever people have access/understanding of this innovation; the mobile text phone and solar emerges; whilst thesde 2 invention offer interestin opportunities to worlds riches places, they offer life saving leaps forwards to the half of world’s population that missed out on access to electricity grids and telecom

00s every behvious from every gps can be connecetd by smart devises of which mobile phone is the forst product form

10s clouds blockchians 2020s last chance decade ?on such natural dynamics as virus, peace, climate, let alone whether we value every human being’s capacity to lifelong learn and mentor and team

Chris AI Macrae MA DAMTP Cantab

2025report.com year 75 Neumann: are U intelligence/Ignorance linker?,

2 年

humsnity's 5 most valued NFT; maths 5 exponential paradoxes :: welcome UNFT.win??strawman top 5 nfts would be welcome UNFT.win aka YOUTH WORLD BANK trilliondollaraudit blog 5 jeanne's kindness as integral to intelligence?Home - beingAI??https://www.beeings.app? 4 new education systems -see ed3 dao (by making 2022-23 the year that celebrates both under 18 and over 18 sdg prize - we have the chance to change university rankings - those that dont celebrate participation in this prize are devaluing United Nations) 3 dao of new health systems -see timms presentation of new power at WISH summit?https://www.google.com/search?q=timms+%22new+power%22+wish+advocates+health+OR+moza 2 she womens new health & ed systems (now antidote to us supreme injustices) -see?https://www.1billiongirls.com?https://www.unwomens.com?https://www.abedmooc.com? 1 minting coin for everyone under 30 in year 2015 of sdg launch a unit- how else do we give millennials chance of not being the extinction generation ==================================================



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