17.45 Wolverhampton Ratings
17.45 Wolverhmapton Ratings
Visibility 59
Roudemental 57
George Morland 55
Crowthorpe 53
Poetic Force 51
Aussie Banker 50
Baby Steps 41
lafan 38
Young Fire 31
Wait For The Lord 28
Form Guide
Visibility : on last winning mark over c/d class 4, +£30 on the all-weather, e/w saver Win saver
Roudemental: 3rd off the same mark over 8f Southwell, 33%+£12, drawn ok, e/w saver
George Morland: 40%+£31 on the all -weather, 1st off 1lb lower over 8f Southwell Class 4. e/w
Crowthorpe : 1st over c/d off 2lbs lower, +£6 on the all-weather, e/w
Aussie Banker win saver with due money going on.
Baby Steps looks the one to keep a eye on, top course Jockey on board, e/w outsider .