17-year work anniversary - Hypertelic glances and thoughts
by Elsa Sklavounou, PhD
re-authored from my English into English by my virtual agent using RTT method
Paris, 01 February 2017
I have always seen myself as an atom in the cosmos where galaxies are languages and individuals are hitchhiking space shuttles since 1968.
Things move quickly, quantumly quickly. Shuttles become hybrid devices which can now acquire knowledge and cognition and can be connected and talk to each other.
Calculations on a finite analogy of quantitative combinations of morphosyntactic operators factorizable via grammatical transformations, in communication codes called languages— known or unknown, natural or not— lead to a generation of autonomous "quantum-like" objects and the construction of periodic tables of linguistic elements and thought vectors.
Device knowledge will reach its limits when a judgment is requested and the reasoning has to begin due to unexpected hypertelic results, positive or negative. The limit: Scale 1:1. Tautological as it seems, if we don’t understand the capabilities of the systems we are using, we will end up deploying systems whose actions we cannot understand. Few things are as scary as the idea of implementing intelligent systems that are making decisions if we are in denial of the idea that they are even capable of doing so. Denying capabilities doesn't make them go away.
I believe we are capable of understanding, predicting and preventing the hypertelic device cognition by the creation of neural periodic tables to illustrate periodic trends in the properties of the linguistic elements then-known, but also to predict certain properties of the then-unknown linguistic elements and to fill the gaps in this table following Dmitri Mendeleev's studies on chemical elements.
The Pure Neural? Machine Translation System (PNMT?), SYSTRAN teams developed, able to decode the zero element homograph to a space that can not be dereferenced -- like void, capable of being specialized in domains of knowledge and of receiving lexical transplants will contribute in filling those gaps leading this mission integrated into non-adaptive or adaptive platforms and devices.
Working with certified partners and certified integrators let's prepare and look forward to the quantum era, together beyond language.
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Robert Galisson
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Copywriter and Speaker at NOOSLIVE People & Culture at ?SS KAFFE
6 年It's a great article and thanks for connecting with me, saludos!
Client Services, Product Marketing, Business Processes
7 年excellent high-level article! i do like the notion of construction of periodic tables of linguistic elements. Nice.