17 UN goals for sustainable development: our commitment to Point 8

17 UN goals for sustainable development: our commitment to Point 8

Within the UN Agenda for sustainable development, one of the aspects to be developed by 2030 concerns decent work and economic growth (goal No. 8).

Effepierre undertakes to create the conditions that allow its collaborators to have quality jobs, which allow for a better reconciliation between work and private life, also to the advantage of the family sphere.

With the collaboration of Banca Intesa San Paolo, we have introduced some welfare initiatives in line with this objective.


With the introduction of the proposal to assign one's severance indemnities to the company fund "Fondo Pensione Aperto Il Mio Domani", Effepierre makes an interesting project linked to supplementary pensions available to its employees.

The allocation of the severance pay to this type of pension fund guarantees important benefits to workers, who benefit from the tax advantages provided for by current legislation.

Against a voluntary contribution of the individual employee of 1.5% to the fund, Effepierre is committed to a higher company contribution of 1.7% on the accrual of the TFR.

The initiative was welcomed positively and saw 100% of participants.

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Effepierre introduced the “Effepierre, your company” project in April 2023.

Through the INTESA SAN PAOLO WELFARE HUB platform (Corporate Welfare Platform: Welfare Hub | Intesa Sanpaolo), employees can decide how to use their benefits and use the services that best suit their needs, taking advantage of fringe benefits, vouchers, or reimbursements, relating to numerous products and services, required by current tax legislation.

In addition to Effepierre personnel, the beneficiaries of the Plan are direct family members, including those who are not fiscally dependent.

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